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Software Engineer - Design Toolkit Developer H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Software Engineer - Design Toolkit Developer H/F chez Alice & Bob

Alice & Bob recherche …
Alice & Bob, a Paris-based startup founded in 2020, is competing in the race towards building the world's first fault-tolerant quantum computer. This major challenge includes designing the basic building blocks of the quantum computer as well as scaling an incredibly complex system. The company raised 27M€ in March 2022 and has now grown to over 60 employees.

The basic building block for information in a quantum computer is the quantum bit, known as the qubit. Compared to the classical bit that we have in have in our everyday computers, the qubit lives in the world of quantum physics. The rich mathematics of quantum physics enables an exponential computational advantage on certain problems when using qubits compared to their classical counterparts. However, this advantage comes to a price : high sensitivity to errors that corrupt the information in the qubits. These errors must mitigated for a quantum computer to BE useful. Our target is to build a fault-tolerant quantum computer, which is able to run error-free for as long as we need IT to.
The technology developed by Alice & Bob and its academic partners belongs to the family of superconducting qubits and is called the cat qubit. The cat qubit is designed to autonomously suppress certain types of errors at the hardware level. This new technology significantly reduces the projected size of a large-scale fault-tolerant quantum computer and therefore the complexity of building such a machine. This results in an efficient platform for scaling up the number of qubits, and puts the company at the forefront of the race against tech giants such as Google, IBM and AWS.
We believe that small, high-performing teams can have a worldwide impact. As a software engineer at Alice & Bob you will get the opportunity to work at the bleeding edge of quantum technology, and participate in the challenge of building the world's first fault-tolerant quantum computer. You will work with the microwave team, whose mission is to design and simulate the superconducting chips that host our qubits.
Specifically, your work will include - streamlining software design processes
- API development
- Building infrastructure for numerical simulations
- Developing test and review processes
If you want to challenge yourself and one day see fault-tolerant quantum computers become a reality, you are welcome to join us !
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Software Engineer - Design Toolkit Developer H/F
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