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Ui - Ux Product Designer Web3 H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Ui - Ux Product Designer Web3 H/F chez Sismo

Sismo recherche …
Sismo is a modular attestation protocol that oversees the issuance of ZK Badges (non-transferable tokens or SBTs). We were recently featured in a list of Vitalik Buterin's most exciting projects. We stand at the crossroads of zero-knowledge proofs, digital identity, and web3 social.

ZK Badges issued by the Sismo protocol are privacy-preserving tokenized attestations. They allow users to leverage social capital from imported web2 and web3 accounts-ensuring they can selectively reveal facts about their identities to access particular applications or services. Picture a Proof of Contributions ZK Badge that does not reveal the exact contributor or an Ethereum Twitter Influencer ZK Badge that does not reveal the exact Twitter account.

As ZK Badges are tokens adhering to the ERC1155 standard, they can BE integrated into any application (web2 or web3) as an access control and reputation curation tool.

Our tightknit team of crypto natives has been working on Ethereum since 2015 (ex Aave, EthCC, Kleros, ConsensSys). To realize our vision, we raised $10, 000, 000 from some of the biggest names in crypto (Lens, Optimism, Starkware, the Ethereum Foundation, Curve, Aave, Snapshot, Guild, etc).

Team members are exposed to the best training, conferences, and hackathons the space has to offer.

You can expect to join a small, mission-driven team passionate about privacy, decentralization, and the technology that will power the future of the web.

Learn more :


As a UI/UX Product Designer at Sismo, you'll lead design efforts on a Prove with Sismo' experience-namely, redefining how users connect to applications and how integrators build on Sismo.

Creating user journey flows, wireframes, and prototypes will BE your forte, in addition to conducting user testing interviews. With strong attention to detail, you'll BE confident and comfortable enough to express your creativity to the fullest.
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