Web Marketing & e-business

Internship in Berlin, Online Marketing and Social Media intern Stage

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Saltillo 17/04/2019
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Description de la société :

Nous sommes une agence de placement qui propose des stages aux étudiants dans nos entreprises partenaires situées en Europe et en Amérique Latine. Nous mettons en relation les étudiant européens avec des entreprises qui recherchent des stagiaires. Nos stages sont à 90% rémunérés ou sinon ils sont logés et nourri.

Description du poste :

As online marketing intern you will assist with the Community management and global communicaiton. Your main responsability is to help the school to get more visibility on
internet and increase partnerships.

Connaissances appreciées :

First Skype interview with PIC Management and presentation of vacancies. Confirm the vacancy with your school (internship agreement) and activate your application.
Fee charged only once the internship is secured with the host company you previously chose. 385 euros for a 3 months internship, 15 euros/additional week.

Qualités et compétences:

At least 3 semesters of course degree in either Marketing, Event Management, Social Media and/or Communication Studies, or comparable degree course.
Very good command of written and verbal English – min. level B2 (GER).
Extensive knowledge of Web and social media. - Proficiency across Open Office / MS Office.
Some knowledge of German preferred but not obligatory; knowledge of any other languages is a bonus and looked upon favourably when choosing the best applicant for
this position.
Enthusiasm, imagination, creativity, love of people and different languages / cultures.

Profil recherché :

Contribute to existing marketing campaigns.
Assist with the creation of new marketing strategies and campaigns.
Monitor and post on blogs, forums, and social networks.
Audio-visual documentation of our classes, e.g. interviews with students
Online outreach and promotion of our language courses and youth camps using social media tools and applications.
Assist with website and social media optimization, and keyword analysis.
Establish and foster relationships with European and international organisations.
Assist with the organisation of extra-curricular events for our students.
Assist with the day-to-day running of the school.

Pour postuler envoyez un mail à hr02pic@pic-management.com


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Internship in Berlin, Online Marketing and Social Media intern
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