Web Marketing & e-business

Marketing assistant internship in London UK 6 months Stage

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Saltillo 17/04/2019
300 euros/mois
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Description de la société :

Nous sommes une agence de placement qui propose des stages aux étudiants dans nos entreprises partenaires situées en Europe et en Amérique Latine. Nous mettons en relation les étudiant européens avec des entreprises qui recherchent des stagiaires. Nos stages sont à 90% rémunérés ou sinon ils sont logés et nourri.

Description du poste :

You will be the community manager working in the marketing department in order to promote all activities of the company and attract new customers interested in working with it.

Connaissances appreciées :

First Skype interview with PIC Management and presentation of vacancies. Confirm the vacancy with your school (internship agreement) and activate your application.
Fee charged only once the internship is secured with the host company you previously chose. 385 euros for a 3 months internship, 15 euros/additional week.

Qualités et compétences:

Our partner is an Institute in London. Thesite sits in one of the most vibrant and student-populated neighborhoods of central London. It

Profile required

Fluent English, available 6 months. Work permit for UK or European citizenship. Student in marketing, communication.

Profil recherché :

Take photos from workshops and events
Influencer outreach to people in entrepreneurship & start-up to help promote the Cie
Create one blog a week working with the students or trainers either with a Q&A or summary from the lessons,
Reaching out to University, career centers and Entrepreneurship clubs to promote eLab
Researching business school for partnering and promoting the Cie
Identifying Entrepreneurship newsletters and groups online

Pour postuler envoyez un mail à hr02pic@pic-management.com


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Marketing assistant internship in London UK 6 months
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, Jobibou.com a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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