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Senior Talent Acquisition Manager H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Talent Acquisition Manager H/F chez 360LEARNING


360Learning is a Collaborative Learning platform trusted by 1,200 customers worldwide including LVMH, AXA, Lego & Criteo. Founded in 2013 by Nicolas Hernandez, Guillaume Alary-Raisonnier & Sebastien Mignot, 360Learning has raised $50 Million and currently employs 160 team members across offices in New York, London & Paris.

Workforces leverage our Collaborative Learning platform to easily create, consume and engage with courses, providing valuable feedback to course creators. Trainers & leadership use our advanced analytics to track course completion rate, identifying opportunities to improve courses to better meet the needs of their workforce. By detecting, enabling & rewarding the 5% of employees who stand out as knowledge-sharing champions, 360Learning transforms companies into learning organizations.

By putting continuous learning at the core of how we operate, 360 Learning has created Convexity, a new organizational structure which creates exponential impact by design. We strive for total empowerment, where every team member has true autonomy over a clearly defined scope with quantifiable goals, replacing authority with full accountability. By defining where & with whom you interact, Convexity promotes a flexible work lifestyle, in which team members choose where, when and how they work.

Job Description

As a Senior Talent Acquisition Manager, you are at the forefront of the effort to scale 360Learning worldwide. To support our triple digit growth, you hire across all non tech roles with a focus on the USA and France. Working hand in hand with the business teams, you also define recruiting processes and criteria to ensure we maintain our laser-focus on hiring A-players only.
For this role reporting to the VP of HR, we are accepting candidates in Paris and New York.

Accountibilities: You are in charge of the full recruitment cycle for a portfolio of roles in the USA and France, for which you:

Define the role-specific recruitment strategy and recruitment process Detect and source passive candidates from junior to executive level Screen and interview candidates with a focus on providing strong recommendations Follow-up on all applications to optimize the candidate experience Drive the decision-making process to protect our constant focus on quality Close candidates by leveraging our amazing employee value proposition Assess, improve, and automate every possible aspect of the recruitment process Communicate, educate and evangelize internally on recruitment standards and practices Define and track efficiency and quality metrics

Preferred Experience

We are searching for an ambitious Talent Acquisition professional looking to have major impact, with the following profile

Intrigued and excited by our culture explained here Driven and a self-starter with outstanding client orientation Great people skills 5+ years of recruiting experience primarily by direct approach 2+ years of working experience in a SaaS business Extensive knowledge of the US SaaS job market (New York metro a plus) Native English and fluent French Strong analytical skills A mind for data supporting the design of best-in-class recruiting tools and processes Ability to manage workload and priorities in a fast-paced environment Outstanding academic achievement in Business or Engineering is a plus

What we offer:

Unique culture Competitive salary Flexible hours Work from home Annual leave Transportation benefits Medical, Dental, Vision Pension plan Full autonomy within your scope Many cool side activities with the team Amazing colleagues !

Recruitment Process

Visio Call with our Talent Acquisition Manager On-site Interview with the VP of Case study (homework) Speed dating with various 360Learners Interview with one of our co founders Reference check Offer !

Additional Information

Contract Type: Full-Time Location: Paris, France (75016) Education Level: Master's Degree Experience: > 5 years Telecommuting Possible

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Senior Talent Acquisition Manager H/F
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