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Contenu de l'offre Sr Business Analyst chez ACI Worldwide

Collects and defines Business Requirements and Functional/Non-Functional Specifications enabling ACI to deliver competitive payment solutions. Uses a variety of standard and advanced techniques in the elicitation, analysis, documentation and management of requirements. Inventories requirements in central repository, using key attributes to allow for prioritization and grouping. Expands knowledge of the payments industry, product offerings and applied technology. Ensures quality and timeliness of requirements processes to stay at least one release ahead of the development lifecycle.
DIMENSIONS: Travel required
JOB ACCOUNTABILITIES: Understand and Adhere to all Corporate Policies to include but not limited to ACI Code of Ethics and Global Information Security. Uses a set of tasks and techniques to work as a liaison among and elicit the needs of stakeholders to define and validate solutions that meet business needs, goals, or objectives. Builds and manages relationships with stakeholders based on an understanding of their influence and needs. Analyzes and synthesizes information elicited from stakeholders, defines and manages the plan to deliver requirements, documents and manages requirements throughout the project life-cycle. Provides input on feature/function to Product Management in developing the product roadmap. Provides input to Product Marketing Manager on case studies and customer reference implementations. Continuously develops domain knowledge, depth and breadth, in the payments industry, ACI products, customer base and applied technology. Perform other duties as assigned. Qualifications MINIMUM JOB REQUIREMENTS: Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or Business Administration, master’s degree preferred, or comparable work experience. 4+ years in an industry related role such as technical support, product management or product development with exposure to marketing, or comparable work experience. Significant experience in all aspects of business analysis. Professional Business Analyst association membership preferred. Very broad knowledge of the payments industry, customer base and applied technology. Experience in application of payments solutions in at least one vertical market within the payments industry. Ability to transform knowledge into requirements that provide competitive advantage. Knowledge and understanding of products, competitive offerings and market driver. Experience working on projects of high degree of complexity that spans more than one geography. Experience working with stakeholders of equivalent level internally and externally to agree functional and non-functional requirements. Technical experience that enables understanding and ability to explain advantages and disadvantages of technology used by ACI. Knowledge and skill sets required to act as the Subject Matter Expert in components of an ACI solution. Can articulate market segment statistics for which ACI solutions are aimed, including size, market share, trends, and competitors. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Excellent negotiation and collaboration skills. Creation of quality, easy to understand papers and presentations. Works independently, using own judgment to complete tasks and helps other. Experience developing and presenting customer and conference presentations. Work Locations: RO Timisoara United Business Center 2 9 Antenei Boulevard Floor 3 TIMISOARA 300280 Job Posting: May 9, 2018, 9:33:22 AM
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Sr Business Analyst
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