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Talent Acquisition Manager Marketplace ADEO - H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Talent Acquisition Manager Marketplace ADEO - H/F chez ADEO Services

Adeo is the world’s third largest retailer in DIY and decoration goods, with over €23bn yearly revenues and 120 thousand employees across 15 countries. Key group brands include Leroy Merlin, Bricoman, Bricomart, Bricocenter, Weldom, Zodio and Alice Delice.

The group recently launched its marketplace. It is a key pillar of an ambitious plan to transform the entire business and become the world’s leading habitat platform. The marketplace will help expand the product and service offering, improve Customer experience, reinforce the market positioning and create a key revenue stream.


The marketplace team at Adeo is looking for a talented, Customer-obsessed Talent Acquisition Manager to support the marketplace growth. The role offers the unique opportunity to lead talent recruiting initiatives and projects, build new HR solutions and develop a deep understanding of the marketplace organization across all markets. The Talent Acquisition Manager will have a key role in the long-term recruiting strategy of the company, as well as the success of the marketplace.

Responsibilities include building, executing and improving new talent recruiting initiatives, while collaborating with key partners (both internally and externally). This role will have a high degree of autonomy and will be able to lead and influence across a broad range of international projects.

The ideal candidate will demonstrate a high degree of ownership and have a demonstrated record of successful talent recruitment, leading multiple transversal projects with competing deadlines, and using data to identify and prioritize opportunities. The ideal candidate is analytical, enthusiastic, self-motivated, detail-oriented, Customer-focused, and has the ability to handle ambiguity and influence at all levels of the organization.

The position will be based in Lille, Paris, Madrid or Milan.


The Talent Acquisition Manager will have several key responsibilities, including:

Getting a deep understanding of the internal and external variables that impact the marketplace talent recruitment (forecasting and planning, auditing and reporting key metrics). Working in partnership with marketplace stakeholders to map the hiring requirements (including junior, middle and senior management roles) and ensure that a structured recruitment, selection and training process is implemented to deliver the plan. Developing and setting an effective talent attraction strategy. Carrying out passive recruiting activities and contacting high potential candidates through social media, partner companies and universities. Coordinating recruiting activities across the international marketplace organization. Drawing insights from data to improve talent recruiting, onboarding and development.

Basic Qualifications

5+ years recruitment experience coordinating agency and direct hire sourcing models in a high volume environment. Experience managing medium to large-scale projects. A Bachelor’s degree in Business, an HR related field or equivalent. Personal initiative and strong hands-on attitude along with creativeness, decisiveness and results-driven mentality for a business-focused way of thinking. Highly organized with a high degree of ownership. Ability to use analytical and experiential data for decision making. Knowledge of European labor law and external practices, trends and tools used in HR. Strong written and verbal communication skills, both in French and English. Other European languages will be a plus.

Preferred Qualifications

Experience as a people leader, with a focus on hiring and developing the best digital talent. Ability to manage and influence stakeholders of all levels in the organization. An MBA or Master’s degree in an HR related field. Intellectual curiosity to bring new insights to the business, preferably in a multicultural environment.

Adeo is an equal opportunities employer. We welcome applications from all members of society and believe that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisions based on your experience and skills and value your passion to collaborate, learn, invent, build and succeed.

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Talent Acquisition Manager Marketplace ADEO - H/F
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