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Contenu de l'offre Data Analyst Intern chez Adikteev

Paris (75) Temps partiel, Stage

Adikteev is the leading app retargeting solution that helps performance-driven marketers target and engage their app audiences. Combining science and creativity, Adikteev delivers measurable results that increase user LTV and fuel business growth.

Founded in 2012, Adikteev has worked with leading app companies like eBay, Nexon and Yelp to retain their loyal users and boost incremental revenue. A leading advertising technology company, Adikteev has been recognized as #10 among Inc Magazine’s Top 5000 fastest growing companies and #2 in global retargeting, of the AppsFlyer Performance Index. Its team of 60 people is based in Paris, NYC and San Francisco.

We are looking for a talented bilingual (French and English) candidate to join our team and take responsibilities in the growth of Adikteev.

Your Responsibilities

Management & optimization of our EMEA marketing campaigns for leading mobile apps, collaborating closely with Account Managers. Proactively monitor campaigns performances. Identify improvements and opportunities. Communicate and solve issues. Dedicated to work on the optimization alongside experienced campaign managers on a specific portfolio. Perform in-depth data analysis to make sure each campaign is successful. Provide data reports and clear data visualizations for Account Management, Sales or Management teams. Run ad-hoc analyses to improve our value proposition, business model and internal processes. This is not a client facing role.

Your Skills

Top-tier engineering or business schools. Experience with Data Visualization software or Tableau from your studies or equivalent working/internship experience. SQL knowledge Attention to details, extremely rigorous and strong curiosity to test new concepts. Ability to handle fluctuating workloads, autonomous, strong ability to multitask. Excellent communication (oral & written) skills, business understanding Strong team player, ability to receive requests, consult with peers, brainstorm and seek for advice as well as escalate to senior team members when needed. Fluent in English, any other language is a plus.

Personal Skills

Self-motivated: positive and resourceful self-starter. Clear customer skills: communication, empathy, integrity. Experience working with multiple interfaces with in the company: sales, product, client services.

What We Offer

Full responsibility for your working area from day one. You play a critical role in determining the company's success. We want someone who brings strong ideas to the table and gets involved with product planning. We foster a consensus-driven, rather than top-down, decision making culture. From what features to build to what furniture to buy for the office, we encourage team involvement. An entrepreneurial environment with a competitive salary. An open, smart and fun atmosphere thanks to our mixed-culture environment of talented team members!

Additional Information

Adikteev received many international rewards: 2017 Deloitte Extenso Fast 50 — an award that recognizes tech companies that have demonstrated exceptional growth in turnover in the last 4 years: Adikteev is ranked 2nd in best tech companies in France; 1st in Ile-de- France, and 1st in the area of “Internet, Media & Telecoms." Deloitte Extenso Fast 500 EMEA: Adikteev is ranked 12th amongst 500 best tech companies in EMEA. According to EY, Adikteev is listed as the 8th most outstanding French Startup. French Tech Pass: Adikteev is listed in FrenchWeb’s top 100 best French tech companies. Adikteev is recognized as a member of “BPI France Excellence.” Adikteev has been awarded the label “Happy At Work.”
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