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VIE - Operation Control Business Analyst - Houston - 18 mois

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Contenu de l'offre VIE - Operation Control Business Analyst - Houston - 18 mois chez Air Liquide

Présentation du Groupe

World leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Health, Air Liquide is present in 80 countries with approximately 65,000 employees and serves more than 3,5 million customers and patients.

Missions & Responsabilités

AL USA Cluster Operations Control Business Analyst • Work with multiple stakeholders to prepare and articulate US Cluster financial results and to achieve US Cluster tactical/strategic objectives • Measures and maintain financial information by reconciling reporting of financial data and statistics, trends, and variance analysis; determine the business/operational driver’s behinds gaps; clearly communicate findings • Create Business Intelligence (BI) reports (BI Superuser, Tableau) • Assist in the quarterly/yearly Target setting, Reforecasting, and Estimates by collecting, analyzing, and consolidating financial data • Is accountable for accuracy and consistency of the data reported and used • Participate in developing analytical tools that allow for increased efficiencies and monitoring of key financial indicators • Drive process improvements, highlight issues and/or areas of opportunities, proactively make recommendations based on analysis. Assist in special projects and other duties as assigned. • Works with team members from various groups including ALLIUS persons, ALEUS persons, Accounting, Internal Control, OCC, Internal Audit, HR, Supply Chain Management, Hub, Head Office, WBL in order to provide sound analyses to senior management • Protects operations by keeping financial information and plans confidential and adhering to and enforcing the Corporate Compliance Program Standards

Profil et compétences

Candidate profile: • A bachelor's degree in accounting, finance, business, or an engineering degree; BBA / MBA preferred • Minimum 2+ years professional work experience required, operational background a plus • Works safely and complies with Air Liquide policies and procedures • Excellent written and verbal communication skills • Strong analytical skills and synthesis capability Extremely proficient with Excel, Google Suite, and Internet tools with high degree of ability to effectively utilize these tools to gather/analyze wide range of data

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VIE - Operation Control Business Analyst - Houston - 18 mois
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