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ATR - Apprenticeship Market Data analyst - Réf : ALT19/02-C

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Contenu de l'offre ATR - Apprenticeship Market Data analyst - Réf : ALT19/02-C chez Airbus

Description du poste
Avions de Transport Regional GIE Founded in 1981, ATR has become world leader on the market for regional aircraft with 90 seats or less. Since its creation, ATR has sold over 1,500 aircraft to over 200 operators based in more than 100 countries. ATR planes have totaled over 28 million flights. ATR is a joint partnership between two major European aeronautical players: Airbus Group and Leonardo. The ATR headquarters are located in Toulouse. ATR is ISO 14001 certified, the international benchmark for respecting the environment.Contact :If you are interested in this position, please apply online.By submitting your CV or application you are consenting to ATR and Airbus using and storing information about you for monitoring purposes relating to your application or future employment. This information will only be used by ATR and Airbus.ATR is committed to achieving workforce diversity and creating an inclusive working environment. We welcome all applications irrespective of social and cultural background, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation or religious belief. Job Description Company :Founded in 1981, ATR has become world leader on the market for regional aircraft with 90 seats or less. Since its creation, ATR has sold over 1,500 aircraft to over 200 operators based in more than 100 countries. ATR planes have totalled over 28 million flights. ATR is a joint partnership between two major European aeronautical players: Airbus Group and Leonardo. The ATR headquarters are located in Toulouse. ATR is ISO 14001 certified, the international benchmark for respecting the environment.Contact :If you are interested in this position, please apply online. By submitting your CV or application you are consenting to ATR and Airbus using and storing information about you for monitoring purposes relating to your application or future employment. This information will only be used by ATR and Airbus.Description of the job :Within Market strategy team, you support ATR market strategy (strategic campaigns, product strategy, support and services development) by conducting in-depth market analysis and delivering synthesis to Management.Task & accountabilities :On various topics ranging from aircraft utilization, retirement, fleet decision, network development or the influence of socio-economic variables, your mains activities are to: • perform market research, trend analysis based on available or collectable data • propose new sources of data/information • model observed mechanism and propose an approach to predict future trends (short-mid or long term)Required skills :Required level : Bac +4/5 - Master degree, School of Economics, MIAGE M2 Technical skills : Ability to autonomously deliver thorough analysis in a wide variety of domains Good Knowledge of aircraft, services and airline/aircraft market Strong analytical skills (econometrics, operational research, statistics) Good interpersonal skills Ability to explain concepts, ensure link/consistency with non-mathematical approach Language skills: Excellent level of English IT skills: langage R and SQL Soft skills: Ability to interact at various level, in various domain while adapting output to the context Good listening skills, positive team player ATR is committed to achieving workforce diversity and creating an inclusive working environment. We welcome all applications irrespective of social and cultural background, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation or religious belief.This job requires an awareness of any potential compliance risks and a commitment to act with integrity, as the foundation for the Company’s success, reputation and sustainable growth. By submitting your CV or application you are consenting to Airbus using and storing information about you for monitoring purposes relating to your application or future employment. This information will only be used by Airbus. Airbus is committed to achieving workforce diversity and creating an inclusive working environment. We welcome all applications irrespective of social and cultural background, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation or religious belief.English (Business Fluency)
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ATR - Apprenticeship Market Data analyst - Réf : ALT19/02-C
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