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Quantum & Business Strategy Analyst H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Quantum & Business Strategy Analyst H/F chez Alice & Bob

Alice & Bob recherche …
Alice & Bob is building the first universal, fault-tolerant quantum computer to solve the world's hardest problems.

We are growing fast securing 30 million USD of funding in 2022 to develop our unique technology, the cat qubit. So don't BE shy, team-up with an exceptionally talented group of likeminded people. We are 60 and counting, between PhDs, engineers and experienced business professionals, all united in reaching our ambitious goal.

As Alice&Bob's quantum computer is getting ready to address real-life problems, we're building A&B's new business unit : the Box. IT will mix quantum information experts and business-oriented profiles to deliver concrete solutions to Alice&Bob's client.

One of our goals is to help corporates across sectors harness the power of Quantum Technologies to solve challenging & valuable industry problems. First, we create exponential business value for corporates through crafting opportunity roadmaps around concrete use cases exploration. Then we help them prepare for the emergence of true Quantum Computing at scale in the coming years by building valuable strategy and proof of concept.

As a Junior Quantum Strategy Expert, you will BE part of our Growth & Organisation team, you will work directly with our COO and CEO to build Alice&Bob business.

You will :
- BE part of a consulting team to help our client design their quantum computing roadmap and implement quantum computing use case.
- Communicate the potential of quantum, to demystifying quantum.
- Vulgarisation
- Conducting workshops
- Meet with the client and help them to understand the opportunity
- Help our clients experiment with & build quantum capabilities through developing Proof of Values & Products for combinatorial optimisation, simulation & machine learning problems.
- Develop framework to explore and identify uses cases
- Selecting the optimal use case for experimenting with our experts
- Building a Quantum Strategy, Opportunity Roadmap & Leap Business Case
- Run quantum impact assessment
- Communicate internally on value of this business unit to a team of scientist
- Synthesise knowledge by project to scale the activity in the coming years (help experts store knowledge in a transferable way)
- Work closely with our team of experts to build valuable PoC's and concrete business solutions
Cpf final 4

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Quantum & Business Strategy Analyst H/F
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