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Digital Business Analyst for global eCommerce Delegation Support (m/f)

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Contenu de l'offre Digital Business Analyst for global eCommerce Delegation Support (m/f) chez Allianz Partners

Paris (75) Allianz Partners is distributing its products using a central platform for its online activities, through B2B, B2B2C & B2C channels. With the growth of our global eCommerce activities and with the emerging of new digital lines of business (Appliance, Services on Demand, repair, Road Side Assistance…), the Allianz Partners group is currently operating a global digital transformation. In that perspective, the B2C & Digital Interfaces department is recruiting an Digital Business Analyst, to provide ongoing operational support to our internal teams, local entities and global accounts to ensure best understanding and use of our global eCommerce Platform, processes and eCommerce capabilities in a delegation mode. You should be the ‘go to’ Person for any questions regarding Delegation Capabilities of our global eCommerce platform. Therefore you will not only be the internal face of Delegation but also be involved in creation of Epics, User Stories and testing of new Development.

The successful candidate will:
##Be the first entry point of our Business Units and Global Accounts, for all usage of e-Commerce delegation tools solutions allowing to distribute our products in an online B2C, B2B & B2B2C environment.
##Be in charge of qualifying all demands, and resolving standard requests
##Be the first level of functional support for our internal users during the configuration phases (help/design the offers modelling, offers & messaging configuration);
##Be the interface between all users and the global eCommerce Delegation Team, as the voice of the business (Direct, Travel and Assistance) to be the first entry point to collect our internal customer customer’s needs.
##Support the global eCommerce Delegation Team, its stakeholders and 3rd party partners throughout the product lifecycle: from inception through testing to post-live optimisation
##Be responsible for working “hand-in-hand” with the Delegation Platform Product Owner to incubate, validate and elaborate detailed user stories
##Champion a user-centred approach to product development and support the innovation using valuable insight into business processes, data and systems analysis
##Support the product owner in the definition of the vision for the Global Delegation Platform, and convey that vision to the scrum team
##Support the Business Units of the Group from service activation to business ramp-up and full adoption
##Facilitate workshops and trainings for key stakeholders in Paris & across the globe.
##Proactively seek answers and convey complex ideas to the project team and wider stakeholders as needed

This will require a natural curiosity as well as the ability to identify and consult with peers, colleagues and domain specialists to address the task(s) in hand.

Product definition, user stories elaboration, Support: ##Working with the product team and business to understand high level requirements, taking an active role in understanding core problem statements and business drivers
##Working with the Product Owner providing them with necessary insight (business, data, technical) to validate the initial feasibility of product ideas
##Interpret user research in order to make the correct product decisions
##Provide highly detailed user stories, working with the Product Owner and development teams to create user stories that meet the agreed Definition of Ready
##Input into Business Case preparation, providing context and data to underpin assumptions
##Deliver accessible experience for our customers
##Be the first level of functional support for our internal users during the configuration phases (help/design the offers modelling, offers & messaging configuration);
##Be the interface between all users and the global eCommerce Delegation Team, as the voice of the business (Direct, Travel and Assistance) to be the first entry point to collect our internal customer customer’s needs.
##Be in charge of qualifying all demands, and resolving standard requests
##Reflect the legal, cross border and regulatory requirements into digital product design as required
##Respond, react and monitor change and transition within the product lifecycle

Leadership & Teamwork: ##Participate in all core Sprint ceremonies
##Gather, validate and iterate regional stakeholders requirements (Business management, change request, Support Request, Bug Request)
##Being the corner stone of a seamless communication between the business users, product team and development teams (creative / UX / technology), in order to reach the same understanding

Operational Effectiveness & Control Management: ##Able to define acceptance criteria, create test/user scenarios and collate sample business data to facilitate efficient testing
##Able to create and/or verify UAT and functional tests to ensure systems are fit for purpose and behaving as expected
##Develop and implement measurement and actionable metrics into requirements
##Underpin the delivery and iteration of digital services through effective analysis of qualitative and quantitative user data
##Monitor the incoming flow of support requests and point out enhancements based on the gathered insight

Risk Management: ##Reflect the legal, and regulatory requirements into digital product design
##Comply with all Allianz group policies and standards around risk management and mitigation as required

Observation of Internal Controls ##Adhere to, and be able to demonstrate adherence to internal controls and implement the Group compliance policy by adhering to all relevant processes/procedures
##Follow, contribute to and help improve the group standards for digital and internet based products – including UX, design, security and development methodology

##Master in engineering, or Business Administration and at least 3 years of experiences in Digital (insurance or web/e-commerce) as a Business Analyst
##General understanding of online distribution
##Perfect understanding of the Agile framework and mind-set
##Fluent English / International Experience including working with remote and multicultural teams
##Strong understanding of the digital product development process, ranging from complex business ideas and processes into clear, user-led stories through development and execution
##Good understanding of digital UX and interaction design
##Have very strong analytical and problem solving abilities as well as an excellent attention to detail
##Good relationship management skills to satisfy a wide range of internal and external stakeholders
##A highly collaborative approach, recognising your specialist role within a larger programme of work amongst other individuals’ roles and responsibilities
##A flexible and adaptive approach to selecting and using the best tool(s) for different tasks and goals
##Experience in modelling business processes
##Understanding of SAFE™ is desirable
##Able to demonstrate how customer centric thinking is expressed and reinforced through the digital product design processes
##Understanding of how the changing regulatory environment has impacts on the digital product design process
##Creativity, tenacity, curiosity and logical problem solving
##Excitement to support our Business Units around the Globe & to provide best in class internal support

Allianz Partners is a world leader in B2B2C insurance and assistance,specializing in the areas of international health & life, automotive, assistance and travel insurance. Operating in over 76 countries, Allianz Partners offers global solutions that are redefining help, going beyond traditional insurance to help and protect customers wherever they are and whenever they need it. Our innovative experts deliver future-ready, high-tech, high-touch products and services through four commercial brands: Allianz Assistance, Allianz Care, Allianz Automotive and Allianz Travel. We have over 19,000 employees who handle more than 54 million cases each year, motivated to go the extra mile to help customers and employees around the world. If this sounds like you, come and join us!
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Digital Business Analyst for global eCommerce Delegation Support (m/f)
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