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Business Analyst - Smart Home (m/f)

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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst - Smart Home (m/f) chez Allianz Worldwide Partners

Within AWP Group COO, Organizational Management (OM) is the department in charge of driving Business demand across AWP. It means acting as the primary interface between business departments and technology teams (Allianz Technology) to provide Global Platform [Process, data and system] to all AWP business units.

OM consists of a central department based in Paris and Munich with continuous interface with local and regional units across the world.

Driving business needs, OM is responsible for prioritization of back-office investments and for fostering standardization and harmonization of processes and solutions across the Group, through enablement of the target platforms identified by AWP and Allianz Technology. As Business Analyst, you are responsible for:

##Gather, challenge and formalize business needs specifically on Home intervention and Assistance
##Drive global processes and solution design for Home line of business including specific operations needs
##Help and support implementation of the new end to end platform on the HOME line of business (Follow up developments, test and support business during UAT)
##Support migration, interfaces and change management teams
##Constantly monitor and report on progress to your management and all stakeholders
##Ensure end to end consistency of solution enablement and performance
##Challenge IT quotations of Allianz Technology ##Minimum of 2-3 years of experience in business needs gathering and documenting
##Minimum of 2-3 years of field experience in Home operations (Craftmen management, interventions, etc.)
##Strong analytical abilities together with operational pragmatism
##Highly motivated, dynamic, self-steering
##Fluent in English
##Possibility & willingness to travel abroad for short period on request
##Strong interpersonal skills, able to foster relationships with peers and other functions
##Collaborative team player
##Values diversity and works well in a multi-cultural environment
Cpf final 4

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Business Analyst - Smart Home (m/f)
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