Offres d'emplois Web Marketing & e-business

Stage : Stage - Junior financial Data Analyst H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Stage : Stage - Junior financial Data Analyst H/F chez Amazon


At Amazon, we're working to be the most customer-centric company on earth. To get there, we need exceptionally talented, bright, creative and driven people. If you'd like to help us build the place to find and buy anything online, this is your chance to make history. Finance is all about the numbers…unless you work at Amazon; it is about knowing the numbers and so much more. As finance leaders, we're not just a reporting function, but a core part of the business, developing strong partnerships and creating value through insightful analyses. If you want to be a part of a fast moving, dynamic initiative then this is the role for you!

· You will co-own the financial success of one of our product lines in France. You have the freedom and opportunity to consult, challenge and influence business decisions and optimize our long term free cash flow.
· You will proactively collaborate and consult with relevant business and finance teams to benchmark, to identify and to implement best practices.
· You collaboratively work with business teams to drive value by identifying risks and opportunities and helping solve problems, which can arise in the business.
· You help managing your product line by providing weekly and monthly key performance Indicators.
· You run ad hoc analyses on Amazon Database with SQL, review business cases, analyze performance versus goals and actively participate in projects to ensure we take right business decisions.
· You thrive to constantly improve and automate financial tools to take better and faster decisions.
· You will work in an international environment with half of your meetings in English
Cpf final 4

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Stage : Stage - Junior financial Data Analyst H/F
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