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Contenu de l'offre Intern Data Analyst chez Artefact


Who we are

Artefact (formerly Artefact-NetBooster SA) is a digital marketing agency built on the perfect union of marketers and engineers. The agency works with the largest global brands to redefine the future of customer experience through new technologies. The company has 25 offices across 17 countries, with 1000+ employees delivering three service offers : Data Consulting, Digital Marketing Expertise and Technology Development (Big Data and Artificial Intelligence). Artefact was awarded the most innovative agency of 2017.

Over 600 clients, including 100+ blue chip clients such as AccorHotels, Orange, Carrefour, Emirates, Deutsche Telekom and Monoprix, rely on the agency’s profound marketing experience. Artefact, founded by three alumni of the renowned French Engineering School Polytechnique, Vincent Luciani, Philippe Rolet and Guillaume de Roquemaurel, has sustained a steady growth rate since its creation in 2015 and has multiplied its turnover threefold in 2016. Artefact is listed on the Euronext Growth Paris Stock Exchange. With its two local brands metapeople in Germany and 4Ps Marketing in the UK, Artefact is one of the largest independent international agency led by media and data experts.

We’re looking for talented and highly motivated interns with a passion for technology and problem solving to join our team.

What you will be doing

Management of Data & Analytics consulting assignments for the agency’s clients:

Data analysis and structuring Database segmentation Search business information in large dataset Create analyses in order to generate the most relevant insights for the client Construction of automated dashboards / reports

Participation in the development of the data offer:

Writing marketing documents (case studies, articles…) Participation in the agency’s R&D projects. Participation in the drafting of responses to pitches and pre-sales recommendations. Participation in the organization of professional events (conferences, hackathon, breakfasts, presentations…).

What we are looking for

From engineering, business or equivalent school. Excellent knowledge of the Office Pack (Excel, PowerPoint). Fluent in English. Strong analytical and synthetic mind. Autonomy and initiative. Sense of customer service and good interpersonal skills. Ability to listen and work in a team. Programming skills appreciated: SQL / python / Java / Javascript…. Knowledge of the different ETLs: Talend / nify / dataflow /…

Rigorous, dynamic and organized, you are responsive and have a good ability to listen.

Why you should join us

Artefact is the place to be: come and build the future of marketing Progress: every day offers new challenges and new opportunities to learn Culture: join the best team you could ever imagine Entrepreneurship: you will be joining a team of driven entrepreneurs. We won’t give up until we make a huge dent in this industry!


Send your CV and motivation letter to

Come join us!

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Intern Data Analyst
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