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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst chez Asendia

Business Analyst

We are looking for an Analyst to join the Supply Chain Management / End to End department of Asendia Head Office. In this position you will support the Head of department in the development of the future IT operations application (quotations, production, transport) for the Group (implemented in 18 countries, with more than 1000 internal and external users). You will oversee the creation of the functional specifications of the application, support UAT and roll out and be part of the project team.

Your tasks

You will work with a variety of stakeholders to deliver the functional specifications of the future application.
You will also define, analyse, and organise requirements to support key business initiatives and design and implement a monitoring and reporting system.
You will train and support users, and you contribute to UAT of the application.
You will be in daily contact with global experts and the IT development team in the USA.
You will actively support the implementation and the roll out of the application.
You will participate in the day-to-day operations of the target application.
Regular participations in international business meetings expand your tasks.

Your profile

You are a motivated person with strong analytical skills and are experienced in cross-functional and solution-oriented thinking.
You have a well-founded supply chain management education (Master 2) and first experiences in a similar environment.
Experience in project work and/or in international teams with multiple stakeholders is part of your profile.
You have experience in document management and BPM
You speak fluent English as this is our business language. Any other language is an advantage.
You have excellent PowerBI, Excel, Word, and PowerPoint skills.

Our facts

Our mission is to excel in every interaction with our customers. Our values are trust, friendliness, ease of use and our commitment to sustainability.
We recognise that you spend more time at work than you do at home, so to compensate we offer a dynamic and informal work environment.
Employee wellbeing and corporate social responsibility is at the heart of our core values. We wish to instil a strong culture of corporate social responsibility within every employee and hope to create a positive and productive environment where employees can thrive.

Place of work: in any Asendia branch within Europe

Part-time remote work possible

If this sounds like the kind of place you would like to work and the sort of role you are looking for, then get in touch, we are waiting to hear from you.

For further information, please contact:

Jean-Marc Poiraudeau

Head of Process Management, Operations

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Business Analyst
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