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Supply Chain Manager E-Commerce Solutions

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Contenu de l'offre Supply Chain Manager E-Commerce Solutions chez Asendia

Supply Chain Manager E-Commerce Solutions

As a Supply Chain Manager you will work in the E-Commerce Solutions team. Our team focuses on providing logistics solutions to the various stakeholders of the Asendia Group, taking into account the regulatory framework for the different areas of our industry.

This would include

Aspects of supply chain security in international trade and transport
Future adjusted regulations on VAT and other customs duties, e.g. in distance selling (focus on e-commerce)
Implementation and/or maintenance of existing and new compliance rules for international trade and transport
Digitalisation of customs in more and more countries
Partnerships with other departments and subsidiaries

Your tasks

Project work

- Lead and contribute to group and regional projects related to SCM topics


- Communicate with internal and external stakeholders about their business needs, legal requirements and upcoming changes

- Document the necessary policies and procedures to make them available to a wider audience.

- Act as an entry point for information and support


- Act as a centre of competence for your specific area of responsibility

- Support other departments and entities in the planning, adaptation and implementing logistical compliance measures

- Keep up to date with upcoming changes

- Evaluate the potential impact for the Group

- Raise awareness of the stakeholders

- Use industry contacts and contacts with our shareholders and sister companies

Your profile

You have a bachelor's degree in business administration with a focus on Supply Chain, regulation or similar industry experience
You have proven skills and +5 years of work experience gained in a comparable position with a focus on logistics compliance and customs requirements
You have a high personal responsibility, perseverance, good team spirit and appreciate collaboration with different countries and cultures
Your strong communication skills ensure the capability of working with people of various nationalities, on varying levels of hierarchy. Colleagues can always rely on you
You are willing to travel
You are fluent in English, any other language would be an asset

Our facts

Our mission is to excel in every interaction with our customers. Our values are trust, friendliness, ease of use and our commitment to sustainability.
We offer fair and modern working conditions.
Working location in any Asendia branch within Europe.
Possibility to work remotely.

If this sounds like the kind of place you would like to work and the sort of role you are looking for, then get in touch, we are waiting to hear from you.

For further information, please contact:

Heinz-Friedrich Schymura, Head of E-Commerce Solutions

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Supply Chain Manager E-Commerce Solutions
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