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Contenu de l'offre Traffic Manager - Studio chez ASG International

Traffic Manager - Studio

Practical points:

Title: Traffic Manager (Studio)

Location & Flexibility: Very flexible but linked to Paris, France

Type of Contract: Permanent contract & French contract

Level Guideline: 40 000 to 50 000 Euros / annum

Ideal Matching Profile might look like this:

A traffic manager, studio or project manager profile would be ideal
Connection with design / studio for Print, POS / PLV, digital and much more
An organised person with strong human skills for senior contacts and
Strong English and strong French language both very important
Passionate about environment and eco a plus
International, creative, analytical and organised, good sens eof humor can all match

About the Company:

This company is an international player within the Marketing sector. They specialise in supporting global brands across many sectors (Retail, Fashion, Tech, FMCG Health, Luxury etc) with various services and solutions like: project and campaign management, creative production and many various creative, design and artwork services within in-store / POS / Displays, Print Marketing, Digital / Online Projects. This firm has a company culture where they encourage everyone at every level to be hands-on, creative and take initiative and where they like everyone at every level to be seen and heard. This company invest a lot in research to stay ahead of the field when it comes to cutting edge technology and their passion for the environment.

About the Job:

The role is for a Traffic Manager with close connection to the graphics sector (design, studio etc). The role is there as the firm are expanding across France and Central + South Europe and have several large global partners there (in Tech, FMCG, Retail, Fashion etc) with many projects that need strong creative inputs. Examples include but are not limited to: in-store / POS / PLV / Displays, Print Marketing, Digital Assets , Online / Website, Projects etc. Someone who can harmonize the technical / creative side and the process / project and business side will be successful and happy here. Someone who understands how a studio is managed , how to work with big leading worldwide brands and has the human touch to manage senior contacts and relations can make a real difference.


This firm have invested in expanding with many designers (multi disciplines), studio workers, art-workers, creatives etc. This side of their firm is really growing making it crucial to get a role like this is to make sure it keeps running smoothly as it grows. The role is very flexible (lots of home office if someone wants this) and very diverse (from classical print to digital assets but also many different potential brand partners). This firm work with some of the largest brands worldwide, meaning your projects will be big, innovative and seen regional and worldwide.

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Traffic Manager - Studio
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