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Data Analyst - Solutions Consulting

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About the team:
Solutions Consulting is a driven and results-oriented organization that helps bring Xandr’s digital advertising products to market. Our focus is building our clients’ businesses through leading-edge technology solutions and strategic business consulting. We develop and nurture relationships with premium publishers and buyers to help them grow their digital advertising business.
Data Analytics, within Solutions Consulting, is the creative thought leader responsible for ensuring that our counterparts across the company are enabled to make data driven decisions every day. We partner closely with the Commercial, Operations, Product, Research, and Engineering teams to study client, product, and algorithmic performance data. The Sr. Analyst role leads a few initiatives by partnering with VPs and Directors in other parts of the company, like Product or Customer Success, to provide them with the analytics support they need to make great decisions. This role is perfect for someone who has a quantitatively-oriented degree, experience in a data analytics role, a passion for mathematics, analytics, and coding, and a strong desire to use data to inspire progress.
Our team in Paris is seeking innovative, passionate, and driven people who can quickly apprehend complex eco system, identify technical solution and pull data analysis to help take data-driven decision.

About the job:
Become an expert in Advertising Technology. Use your expertise and breadth of knowledge to drive data-driven-decisions from senior members of the Xandr Product, Commercial and Services team.Build tools, notebooks and dashboards to visualize relevant data.Design and execute A/B tests to assess the impact of potential buying strategy, optimization technique, or product release.Help build our Analytics practice by developing training materials, internal resources and auditing our Data Engineering infrastructure.Work with and dig into scaling methods (normalization, standardization) using data science toolsProvide feedback and share knowledge with other teams and regions across the company.

Job Qualifications:

About your skills and experience:
At least a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Analytics, Math, or another quantitively-oriented degreeMinimum 2-3 years of relevant analytics work experienceExperience working with extremely large datasets in a fast-paced, entrepreneurial and fluid start-up environmentYou have excellent analytical and problem-solving capabilities, along with an ability to collaborate cross-functionally with technical and non-technical teamsAbility to multi-task and juggle priorities in a rapid environment.Experience with data visualization (Power BI preferably) and using data to tell a storyMastery of SQL and PythonWillingness to share knowledge, facilitate teamwork, and maintain excellent cross-functional partnershipsFluency in both English and French.
More about you:
You are passionate about and thrive in a culture of learning and teaching. You love challenging yourself to constantly improve and sharing your knowledge to empower others.You are the type of person who takes risks when looking for new and creative solutions to complex problems. If faced with roadblocks, you continue to reach higher to make greatness happen.You care about solving big, systemic problems. You look beyond the surface to understand root causes so that you can build complete and long-term solutions for the whole ecosystem.You believe in not only serving customers, but also empowering them by providing the knowledge and tools.You want to be part of an organization with a transparent and agile environment where you can communicate freely and openly.
What’s in it for you:
You’ll be doing industry-changing work – our teams are building bold solutions to some of today’s most exciting technical challengesYou’ll be part of the global family – Xandr has offices around the world in Manhattan, San Francisco, Seattle, London, Paris, Madrid, Milan, Hamburg, Sydney and Singapore
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Data Analyst - Solutions Consulting
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