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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst Senior (F/M) chez AXA

Paris (75) We are looking for a Business Analysts reporting application support.
The candidate should actively collaborate to understand group financial reporting & regulatory needs and provide solutions and it is expected to possess high-level data analysis skills and to be competent to work with various teams and under minimal supervision carrying out all essential data-related tasks.
The candidate will manage the relationship with internal and external stakeholders, including AXA Group top management

In a context of high availability and highly regulatory delivery, this resource will be required to work on support topics and evolutions.

In an Agile organization, and in a highly audited context, the candidate will integrate the squad Group Operations to intervene on the repository, subject transverse to the critical applications.
Main tasks: Functional specifications and collection of requirements from the customer Writing technical specifications Regression and functional testing Perform user acceptance tests Prepare test evidences and validation Update repositories Multi-source integration processes: understanding, comparison, reconciliation Support for extraction in case of erroneous data Master data and mappings administration User support for Manual data integration
Technical skills: Must Have: SQL Server Excel dynamic reports Nice to Have: VBA
Non-Technical Skills:
Must Have:
Ability to work in a multicultural context (e.g. project development in Portugal and France, project teams in France, customers all over the world). Experience of working alongside internal and external providers in an international context; Available and reliable; Resilient and able to manage stress and urgent demands; Ability to work with different stakeholders, including top management; Ability to instil confidence; Rigour and ability to synthesize; Efficient communication; Work autonomously; Sense of commitment; Analytical thinking; Proactivity and results orientation.
Nice To Have: Insurance & Finance functional knowledge.
Cpf final 4

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Business Analyst Senior (F/M)
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