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CDI - RFP Business and Consultant Data Analyst

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Contenu de l'offre CDI - RFP Business and Consultant Data Analyst chez AXA Funds Management

Asset Management

We are an active, long-term, global, multi-asset investor focused on enabling more people to harness the power of investing to meet their financial goals. By combining investment insight and innovation with robust risk management we have become one of the largest asset managers in Europe, managing €717bn in assets as of the end of 2016. We employ about 2,400 people around the world and operate out of 22 countries.
We are proud to foster a high-performance culture, which means that we seek to recruit and retain people who are not only technically-skilled but also globally-minded, innovative and able to leverage their unique perspectives and life experiences to support our success as a company

Key Accountabilities:

The Business and Consultant Data Team is part of the RFP Team at AXA Investment Managers consisting of a multinational team of professionals. The goal of the Request for Proposal (RFP) team is to win new assets for AXA IM. Responding to RFPs, preparing final presentations and subsequently winning mandates is core to the group’s strategy and business goals. The aim is to deliver outstanding investment solutions to our clients by fully appreciating our clients' investment needs and meeting those needs with an exceptional level of service.
The Business and Consultants Data team is a central support to the RFP Team and wider AXA IM teams in the area of Consultant Database maintenance and updates, Standard RFP text, Assets under Management (“AUM”), staff, RFP reporting and won/lost mandates.

Reporting to the Head of Business and Consultant Data Team, your main responsibilities will be the following:
- Responsibility for text building blocks of “Proposal Tool” database used for recurrent questions in RFPs, Client Service, Communications, etc., containing over 40 AXA IM investment strategies and corporate text.
- Manage administrative database aspects (database reporting, attributes and update cycles)
- Integration of changes post-RFP
- Proactively propose and implement text improvements from an English language point of view (application of “style guide”)
- Work in close collaboration with key stakeholders within the firm such as Global Consultant Relations (GCR), Product Specialists, Compliance, Data Management teams and RFP Specialists to ensure that the appropriate corporate and product information is sourced and updated on time and accurately.
- Participate to RFP activity
- Support the timely production of AUM, staff and Won/Lost Database with a high level of quality and accuracy applying proactive project management
- Response to AUM and staff requests by analysing the data sources with timely provision of figures to institutional and retail sales forces and other teams across Asia, Europe, America and the Middle East
- Compile quantitative and qualitative data on all key priority products across databases, this includes scheduled monthly and quarterly product information updates.
- Attain, develop and apply knowledge on various AXA IM investment expertise across global consultant databases.
- Maintain the overall quality, accuracy and integrity of information on databases; and provide quality control oversight on external service providers.
- Report on consultant database activities for management information purposes.
- Pro-actively improve the consultant database workflow process.
- Cross check consultant database entries
- Improve quality of language and messages
- Ensure and facilitate regular updates are carried out, follow-up
- Prepare RFP Reporting and ensure reporting data is verified and cleaned
- Administration of RFP Sharepoint, including biographies
- Reporting and KPI on the team’s activity
- Contributing to internal projects

Role Requirements:

- Prior experience in asset management or financial markets is a plus.

Knowledge and Skills
- Strong analytical skills and basic knowledge of financial products
- English mother tongue level and experienced writer / fluent French and any other language a plus
- Ability to work under tight external deadlines
- Show initiative
- Literate in MS Office: Word, Excel, Power Point.
- Ability to challenge requests (RFP Managers, sales, product specialists)

- Good project management skills
- Team player: willingness to share your know-how and to learn from others
- Leadership spirit: takes full responsibility for delivering the data and databases required, ability to build consensus between departments with different objectives, ability to lead change
- Enjoys working in an international environment
- Curious, rigorous and precise
Cpf final 4

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