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Contenu de l'offre Junior Business Analyst chez AXA Technology Services

Paris (75) CDI Main missions
The Business Expert team is key in the shared investment platform environment: they give the expertise on small enhancements but also during the project analysis and Roll in. They ensure the quality of the business requirement, challenge the needs and the development, follow the activity and lead meeting for alignment. The Business Expert guaranties the core model (convergence) and always focus on the partner satisfaction.
Due to the huge financial stakes, strong requirement from business about performance, reliability and stability of the solution are requested. The Business Expert ensures the good communication between business and IT team to find the best approach.
The main mission for a Business Expert is:
1 – Manage small changes’ deployments Coordinate gathering of requirements and local impacts analysis Ensure to deliver on time, on scope and on budget Report on activities (KPI) and follow AXA Services governance Risk monitoring Perform Solution test or UAT (communication, tests plans, test data) Update training materials and review local usage On some case provide help or support on Project 2 - Provide Local Support to users Bring expert knowledge on the different tool User assistance: Questions and answers, ad hoc requests Support user to raise incidents and small changes in the ticketing tool with the required detailed description and quality, address questions & answers…. Track tickets until their resolution and communicate back to the users on resolution actions Mobilize and support business in order, for them, to perform UAT and close the tickets. Contribute to weekly meetings with Service Management team to review status, update plans and update priorities. Participate in the Service Maintenance/project Committees, as well as in the ad hoc meetings required
3 - Deliver the functional design of the local features and requirements Liaise with Finance representatives (Process Owners mainly) Get support from Central Demand/Supply teams in Lisbon with Solution Expertise
4 – Perform solution training


Experience: 3 to 5 years of experience in a bank or insurance on Investment or Finance department. Graduate in Finance or Economy.
Technical Skills Business Analysis or Business Support around Application Maintenance experience Capability to develop knowledge around an IT solution to interact with Development team for example Knowledge on Financial Instruments, Asset servicing, Financial data Management and / or Investment Accounting and Reporting as this is the scope of the SHIP platform and needed to interact efficiently with business counterparts. Experience in project study and project management is a plus.
Non-technical skills Change management skills Ability to work in complex environments (multi-cultural/multi-country/geographically distributed team) Ability to anticipate issues and react promptly Excellent Communication skills Ability to take ownership of problems and issues and manage to resolution with diplomacy. Ability to work effectively with business partners, challenging where appropriate to give the best solution/results Ability to work in a distributed delivery model, with near and offshore teams Team spirit and collaborative mind-set Languages English Fluent French Fluent

A propos d'AXA Aimeriez-vous vous lever chaque jour motivé(e) par une mission inspirante et travailler en équipe pour permettre de protéger les personnes et leurs proches? Chez AXA nous avons l’ambition de mener la transformation de notre métier. Nous cherchons des personnes talentueuses ayant une expérience diversifiée, qui pensent différemment, et qui veulent faire partie de cette transformation passionnante en challengeant le statu quo et faire d’AXA – marque globale leader et une des sociétés les plus innovantes dans notre secteur – une entreprise encore plus performante et responsable. Dans un monde en perpétuelle évolution et avec une présence dans 64 pays, nos 166 000 salariés et distributeurs privilégiés anticipent le changement pour offrir des services et solutions adaptés aux besoins actuels et futurs de nos 103 millions de clients.
Would you like to wake up every day driven and inspired by our noble mission and to work together as one global team to empower people to live a better life? Here at AXA we strive to lead the transformation of our industry. We are looking for talented individuals who come from varied backgrounds, think differently and want to be part of this exciting transformation by challenging the status quo so we can push AXA - a leading global brand and one of the most innovative companies in our industry - onto even greater things. In a fast-evolving world and with a presence in 64 countries, our 166,000 employees and exclusive distributors anticipate change to offer services and solutions tailored to the current and future needs of our 103 million customers.
Pourquoi nous rejoindre ? Chez AXA, nous menons une politique RH engagée qui favorise la diversité, préserve l’équilibre vie privée-vie professionnelle et accélère le développement des compétences et des carrières : promotion de la mixité, politique de rémunération, dispositif de formation,…

Quel que soit votre métier, nous veillons à vous offrir des perspectives d’évolution et des opportunités de carrières. Notre objectif est de développer vos talents et vos compétences pour accompagner les transformations de notre entreprise en pleine mutation.
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Junior Business Analyst
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