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Contenu de l'offre Lead Business Analyst chez Back Market

The Business Team’s mission is to bring to the best refurbished devices that people want, at a good price and with a level of quality which is as good as new.
To deliver this mission, the Business Team has three main objectives:Chasing and acquiring new merchants, with talented Business Developers (BDs)Onboarding new merchants and guiding them throughout our platform and quality requirements, with great Onboarding Manager (OBs)Helping merchants maximize their revenue while meeting our quality standards, with amazing Seller Success Managers (SSMs)
The Supply Operations Team is here to drive operational excellence by providing insights, tools, processes, and projects to help BDs, OBs, and SSM focus on high value tasks and meet their quality and sales targets.

As a key member of the Global Supply Operations Team, you will own the Business Intelligence and performance monitoring.


Monitor the business performance and improve existing processes : Track and monitor on a daily basis, the operational performances of the Business teams based on key performance indicators (GMV, Stocks, Average baskets, etc…) Work with Operations teams transversally to create and implement new KPIs measuring the teams’ performance (e.g. Services adoption, Profitability at merchant level) Ensure adoption of performance KPIs, including by communicating and training the Business teams globally on these KPIs Build and automate high value-added dashboards globally (EU, Asia, US) for all populations within the Business (BDs, OBs, SSMs), and including C-level stakeholders Improve, maintain & update the monitoring tools used by the Business and Operations teams Be the main points of contact for Business team’s data needs Collect and challenge data needs of the Business and Operations teams Proactively design and build new analyses to create value for the Business teams in the short and long term (e.g., Merchants’ lifetime value) Collaborate with other Business Intelligence teams across the organization to share best practices on KPIs tracked and data used


You have at least 5-7 years of experience as a Data Analyst or equivalent role SQL has no secret for you & you know how to use Tableau You have top-notch analytical skills to identify key business insights & share recommendations You have a proven business sense and skills for transversal management You thrive in a dynamic, challenging, fast-paced work environment You are fluent in English (note that other languages are appreciated : French, Spanish, German, Italian) Ideally, you have a previous experience in the e-commerce business


Phone call with Margaux, our Head of Internal Operational Excellence Skills test Interview with Agathe, our Head of Supply operations Interview with Marie, our Head of BI Interview with Raoul, our COO Interview with Thibaud, our CEO Save the planet... join Back Market !
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Lead Business Analyst
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