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Alternance : Market and Pricing Analyst

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Contenu de l'offre Alternance : Market and Pricing Analyst chez BD

Description du poste
**Job Description Summary** You will be part of the Strategic Business Insights and Pricing team (SBI), a center of excellence in Market, Competitive Intelligence and Strategic Pricing within Global Marketing. As a Market and Pricing Analyst, you will be working closely with Marketing, Business and Sales leaders across the globe to monitor market trends, decrypt competitors' moves, build market forecast, understand customer needs and analyze pricing performance. **Job Description** Market intelligence / market models update: + Update market models with latest market intelligence collected from external databases and internal sources, working with Marketing, Platforms, Sales. + Identify new molecules in development and feed pipeline of opportunities for prefilled syringes and self-injection devices. Maintain list up-to-date in CRM tool. + Manage repository of Market Research studies and market data extracts. + Support Customer Insights initiative. Competitive Intelligence: + Collect, compile and synthetize competitive intelligence data. + Support competitor profiling initiative and specific deep dive analyses. + Measure BD performance through quantitative and qualitative analysis. Pricing: + Support pricing guidelines updates and maintain price corridor selector. + Build price performance dashboards and support implementation of new systems. + Support commercial activities, annual price increase and key negotiations. + Help drive execution of Price Excellence Roadmap **Primary Work Location** FRA Le Pont-de-Claix Cedex **Additional Locations** **Work Shift** BD is a leading global medical technology company that creates medical technology, devices and laboratory equipment for a variety of needs across the healthcare continuum. At BD, we are looking for candidates who possess passion, innovative solutions and a commitment to our one mission of improving access to groundbreaking medical and biotechnology services for people near and far, delivering state-of-the-art technology and cutting-edge research in the battle to fight and cure infectious diseases. With a global reach that extends across 50 countries worldwide, our network of professionals collaborates on effective measures to deliver enhanced patient quality such as lower health care delivery costs, improved health care and safety, and expanded health care for all. Join our company and see how you can become a part of one global mission to make a difference in human health.
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Alternance : Market and Pricing Analyst
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