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Contenu de l'offre MARKETING DATA ANALYST - INTERNSHIP (H/F) chez Believe

Company Description

Believe is above all a passion for music, tech, and digital marketing, shared by over 1,500 talented people in more than 50 countries. It is a visionary and entrepreneurial spirit that drives us and makes us one of the world’s leading digital music companies whose moto is to shape the future of music. Believe's mission is to develop independent artists and labels in the digital world by providing them the solutions they need to grow their audience at each stage of their career and development, in all local markets around the world, with respect, fairness and transparency.

Believe is a tribe of experts who successfully meet the challenges of the transformation of our music industry every day. It’s an adventure, a human adventure, and one that is propitious and stimulating for all of us.

Finally, Believe is a story that began in 2005 and that we must continue to narrate, now, and with you.

Job Description

As part of our Global Digital Data Marketing department, your mission as Marketing Data Intern will be to :

Help in Building products and analysis across Believe, you will be involved or take charge of every project step:

Participate to project definition by gathering needs amongst Believe teams and/or clientsWork with internal operation stakeholders regarding data needs and specification (rationalize data ingestion or availability needs either for internal or 3rd party data)Build scalable analytics model and visualization thanks to Power BIParticipate to go to market plan to ensure analytics adoption and usage

You will also be involved in existing analytics tools improvement and usage :

Be the main contact point for users on existing products; be the referent on all technical and insights based data inquiriesConduct interviews with internal stakeholders to understand how analytics tools or insights can help them in their day-to-day job and be implemented flawlessly in their work journey.

You will be involved in exploratory and/or specific analytics projects; not exhaustive but including :

Build use cases for communication on key Marketing service features for BelievePrepare and present client-specific analysisThird-party tools screening and evaluation
At least a prior professional experience in an analytical roleA data driven and curious mindset with good interpersonal skills.The ability to multi-task, prioritize and manage multiple projects simultaneously.The ability to be pro-active yet team spirit orientedA methodical approach and pragmatic thinkingA keen and creative interest in digital technologies and digital marketing opportunities.Knowledge of the digital music industry is a plus
Additional Information

We are committed to equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or Gender Identity.

Visit our office:

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