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Senior Business Analyst (Manufacturing)

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Business Analyst (Manufacturing) chez BIC

Job Description

The Sr. Business Analyst:

Will be the counterpart of business people in charge of understanding the requirements and translating them into IT requirements that will later be used to build the information system

Manage and develop a team of production center IT manufacturing experts.

Main challenges that will face: Understanding the business-side almost at a peer level with the business persons (up to level 3). Must also understand the various possible applications in order to translate the business requirement into the proper IT target

Scope: Responsible for one functional domain. Propose solutions that are later decided by the project manager or the Center of Excellence manager

He/she will gather inputs from EU to include them in the global road map of the Supply Chain CoE

Main responsibilities and profile:

Produce high level and detailed IT specifications on the functional issues within his/her domain.

Perform application testing once the program has been developed (the BA does not actually perform programming but supports the programmer in case clarification of the specification is needed)

Perform Key user training

Perform Key user support level 2 & 3

Can be a trusted counterpart on the functional issues, interacting smoothly with employees up to level 4.

Can organize and facilitate workshops with up to 15 participants

The Sr. Business Analyst will be part of a global team and will work in a global organization

He/she won't have a permanent direct report. On project mode, can manage level 1 people belonging to the various CoEs and/or contractors


From 3 to 10 years’ experience Team leading experience Proven knowledge of one or several functional areas University degree in either IT or Business At ease with written and spoken English Supply Chain systems and analytical knowledge Has good soft skills to allow good partnering with the business Experience with JD Edwards ERP a plus Experience with JDA Manugistics a plus Experience within CPG / FMCG companies is a plus

Additional Information

Apply Today! There's never been a better time to join BIC. We're a dynamic company with a strong vision. You will find a wealth of possibilities in a challenging and rewarding work environment. As an organization, we have a passion for taking care of our people, and our benefits reflect this. Join BIC and let’s invent our future, together!

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Senior Business Analyst (Manufacturing)
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