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Contenu de l'offre TALENT ACQUISITION MANAGER (TECH) chez Bigblue



We are looking for a Senior Technical Recruiter to join our team that has experience sourcing and closing top engineering talent in a fast-paced environment


Source and engage with engineering talent with a focus on passive candidates - generate your own pipeline Work full-cycle taking your candidates through initial contact through the entirety of the candidate experience, including interview setup Perform outreach though tools such as Linkedin Recruiter in addition to engaging candidates on technical and professional social media Participate in industry webinars and virtual events as both a brand talent ambassador and a front-line recruiter Consistently hit sourcing metric goals and support your engineering teammates in a collaborative manner Work on best practices in tools and candidate experience to enhance the entire function



2+ years experience as a technical recruiter in either a fast-paced startup or an at-scale tech company Familiar with leading sourcing tools and tech platforms and online communities where engineers are found Familiarity with technical specs for engineering roles in backend, frontend, full-stack and other areas of eng. specialization Strong English communication and writing skills

Benefits of life @ Bigblue

Brand new offices in Paris' biggest tech hub (10th arrondissement) Innovative engineering and product culture Early stage well-funded company Founders-led company We are a team of foodies, so every single (pre/post-covid) day, lunch is on us. Better said, we're cooking so you'll have access to great food all day long! MacBooks are our standard, but we’re happy to get you whatever equipment helps you get your job done


Contract Type: Full-Time Start Date: 08 February 2021 Location: Paris, France (75010) Possible partial remote
Cpf final 4

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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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