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Contenu de l'offre Digital Analyst chez Broady Resourcing

Digital Forensics Analyst

Starting immediately, an international financial and electronic forensics company is seeking a Digital Forensics Analyst to join their team. They are looking for individuals who seek exciting, long-term career challenges and have a genuine interest in the area of digital forensic collections/investigative support services. Successful individuals in this field are naturally outgoing, self-motivated, possess strong communication and analytical skills, and enjoy a wide variety of work experiences and challenges.

The Digital Forensics Analyst will assist in performing on-site data collections and forensics acquisitions using various hardware and software tools for clients around the world.


Laptop and desktop imagingCollecting data from enterprise file servers, email, and database systemsProvide Chain of Custody documentation and forensic case procedures in written reportsMaintain client relationshipsOnsite data capturesData recoveryForensic analysisDocumentation and report writing as needed

Qualifications, Skills and Experience

Previous experience within the Forensics Team of a Big 4 or leading Forensic ConsultancyExperience and vendor certification with commercial computer forensic tools (EnCase, FTK, etc.)Experience/training with Mobile/Cellular forensic tools (Paraben, Access Data MPA, Oxygen, etc.)Understanding of the following:

oVarious file systems (FAT, NTFS, EXT2/3, HFS+)

oWindows and Non-Windows OS (Linux, UNIX, Mac OS)

oNetwork/internet technology (HTTP, TCP/IP, SMTP, etc.)

Strong working knowledge of laptop, desktop and server computer hardwareAdvanced understanding of Chain of Custody procedures, forensic lab best practices and evidence handlingUnderstanding of eDiscovery software and enterprise systems (including Email, File Server and Database)Ability to independently conduct comprehensive analysis of computer equipment and data storage devicesKnowledge of computer science and laws related to computer evidence recovery as well as procedures for the collection, preservation and presentation of computer evidenceSkilled in the application of computer science to recover data which has been deleted/erased, fragmented, hidden, or encrypted from data storage devicesHands on collection experience relating but not limited the following: Laptops / Desktops / File Servers / Hand held devicesStrong customer orientationProfessional demeanour and strong communication skills, both written and oralMust be a team player and have a strong work ethic, integrity, and attention to detailHave a valid passport and availability for both domestic and international travel (up to 50%) with some travel on short noticeFrench and English speaker

Competitive Salary.

Based in Paris 75008.

Cpf final 4

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