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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst chez Calypso

We are seeking a highly motivated and innovative individual on to join our Product Support team. We are seeking a Business Analyst to provide Product Support to our clients. This is a tremendous opportunity to develop business, product and technical skills. The position affords a unique opportunity to leverage existing technical expertise and develop/enhance domain knowledge and develop a Front-To-Back, Cross Asset view of the Financial Markets.


Manage the lifecycle of client reported defects – including replicating, reporting, providing test cases, investigate potential workarounds, report to engineering, and scheduling upcoming patches and fixes to customers Work directly with customers and provide them with advice on the use and configuration of Calypso products Collaborate closely with partners, and internal groups, including engineering, quality assurance, product management, and professional services This position affords a unique opportunity to enhance existing capital markets knowledge including a front-to-back, cross-asset view of the capital markets Provide known resolutions and/ or advice to customers, professional services, and partners Environment management: Create, configure, upgrade, and maintain client replication environment in the Calypso support lab Advocate for product feature enhancements

Skills and Qualifications

3rd level Degree and/or Masters Level in Business/Financial Engineering/Computer Sciences/Mathematics Minimum 5 years relevant working experience Knowledge and experience in Risk Management, Credit Exposure Limits, and Compliance is highly desirable Proven ability to work in mission critical business application software operations and support environment Must be able to work with minimal supervision, be a fast learner, self-motivated, team player, and collaborator Good oral and written communication skills are essential Participate in the creation of new tools or new processes to improve customer satisfaction, or improve product support effectiveness/efficiency

Why should you apply?

With over 20 offices worldwide, market leading products and a customer base of the world’s top banks, asset managers, hedge funds and insurers, our team thrives on stimulating challenges and a global and diverse working environment. We offer excellent health and welfare benefits, fitness reimbursement, regular team and office events and a variety of career paths.

If you have the drive, a winning attitude and a desire to make a difference then we invite you to apply today! Check out our open jobs here and connect with us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

Calypso Technology is an equal opportunity employer (EOE) and strongly supports diversity in the workforce. Calypso only accepts resumes from approved agencies who have a valid executed Non-Exclusive Master Staffing Agency Agreement on file. Please do not forward resumes to our applicant tracking system, Calypso employees, or send to any Calypso location. Calypso is not responsible for any fees or claims related to receipt of unsolicited resumes.

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