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Contenu de l'offre BUSINESS ANALYST H/F chez CIMPA

Reference: 2021/ PLM BA mail reply: publication date: 2021-10-05 Description:

IMPA guides industrial companies to create the most competitive products by defining, implementing and sustaining PLM initiatives. We have extensive experience covering the end to end lifecycle , from creating or refreshing a PLM strategy, to deploying tools, processes and methods, as well as educating and assisting users. Our objective is to increase overall performance and efficiency through better processes and methods.

According to Regulation, the Agency shall be responsible for the tasks related to certification, oversight and enforcement for production organisations having their principal place of business outside Member States.

The European Union Aviation Agency (EASA) is entirely responsible for the certification of aircraft types and other aeronautical products in the EU.

EASA delegates a part of Product Organization Approval to Airbus.

Every year EASA comes to Airbus to perform Audits (Third Party Audits) in order to ensure that rules and regulations are applied correctly in Airbus locations.

For the mission, we are working with a team of around 15 people (France, UK, Spain, Germany).

For this mission, we support this team by doing a lot of differents things and jumping from a subject to another:

Create and manage KPIs and associated dashboard, Support the follow-up of audits planning and the closure of raised findings, Create communication support to allow the management to decide, Support the creation/update of Airbus documentation, Digitalize Microsoft documents to Google Suite. Skills:
Trained as an engineer or university student (Mechanical and/or Industrial Engineering), you have a successful operational experience of at least 1 to 5 years.

On the CIMPA team working for this mission, we will be 3 including you.

Knowledge and technical skills required:
G-Suite and automation (Apps Script) SQL request Skywise Strong appetite for technological innovation Soft skills

Rigor, Autonomy and flexibility, Good relational, Organized and proactive, Facilitator / Diplomate, Fluent English (written & spoken), Good writing skills, Ease of adaptation to various subjects. Bonus Knowledge:
Airbus Documentation POA environment Diversity:
CIMPA expressly prohibits any form of workplace discrimination and harassment. We are committed to creating a diverse environment. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, genetic information or disability.
Cpf final 4

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