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Product Manager - Data Analytics Solutions for Lines (M/F)

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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager - Data Analytics Solutions for Lines (M/F) chez CMA CGM

Product Manager - Data Analytics Solutions for Lines (M/F)

Led by Rodolphe Saadé, the CMA CGM Group, a global leader in shipping and logistics, serves more than 420 ports around the world on five continents. With its subsidiary CEVA Logistics, a world leader in logistics, and its air freight division CMA CGM AIR CARGO, the CMA CGM Group is continually innovating to offer its customers a complete and increasingly efficient range of new shipping, land, air and logistics solutions.

Committed to the energy transition in shipping, and a pioneer in the use of alternative fuels, the CMA CGM Group has set a target to become Net Zero Carbon by 2050.

Through the CMA CGM Foundation, the Group acts in humanitarian crises that require an emergency response by mobilizing the Group’s shipping and logistics expertise to bring humanitarian supplies around the world.

Present in 160 countries through its network of more than 400 offices and 750 warehouses, the Group employs more than 150,000 people worldwide, including 2,900 in Marseilles where its head office is located.


Within CMA CGM, in the data organization, you are part of the Data Analytics team that aims to provide the group with data science models solutions (predictive, optimization,...)  including the final product, web applications, API, dashboard with high added value on the group's various businesses.


As Product Manager of the structuring group project on Pricing, you will have ownership of :

Developing a strong understanding of Business Processes, Operations and Business Outcomes
Strategize and define high impact Data Analytics opportunities in alignment with Business priorities.
Work with business SMEs to define and design Solution & Target Operating Model.
Responsible to project, manage (costs/efforts, scope, schedule), own the delivery of the Target Operating Model and the Governance.
Proposing the best product enhancements to bring value to customers, based on cost-benefit analysis, obsolescence and architecture,
Ensuring responsibility for its budget, its monitoring and optimization according to the instructions, as well as the run costs of the products of the domain.
Providing management reporting and follow-up of KPIs,
Applying CMA CGM methods and processes.


Your profile meets the following criteria:

You are a graduate of an engineering school or equivalent, or a business school
You justify at least 7 years of experience in a similar role Product Manager or IT Manager, in Information Systems with a very good mastery of the processes of shipping, pricing
You have already worked on the technological environments (Oracle, pl/sql, containerization, python, AWS, Java, ReactJS, NodeJS, C++)
You have a good understanding of software development life cycle and data security standards and procedures
You have provided regular reporting to top management on current projects and roadmaps, and guaranteed the management of project, operational and planning risks
You have already experienced piloting offshore teams
You have an excellent ability to manage your priorities and track the progress of several topics in parallel

You also have the following qualities:

Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
Autonomy, rigor and pro-active behavior
Facilitator skills, listening and dialogue skills to animate and coordinate the team's work and understand the needs of end-users
Practice of design thinking, agile methods, ux design, crisp
Understanding the field of data science
Excellent communication, team spirit, pedagogical and piloting skills
Strong presentation skills
Ability to learn to obtain new functional skills
Ability to work in an international environment in contact with offshore teams
You are fluent in English

Come along on CMA CGM’s adventure !

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Product Manager - Data Analytics Solutions for Lines (M/F)
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