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Contenu de l'offre Data Scientist chez ConSol Partners

Data Scientist – Paris

Salary 60.000 to 80.000 + Benefits, Dependent on experience.

ConSol Partners Client is a pre IPO Big Data Vendor who was founded by a team of Big Data experts who have a passion for developing technology within Machine Learning technologies. The Company has multiple offices around the world are looking to expand their operations.

ConSol Partners Client’s platform leverages Artificial Intelligence to drive data ingestion which processes this data in order to display the results.

The company will welcome candidates that are looking for an adventure. You will be an essential part of the Datalab team of specialists who all have a common goal of using data to guide and optimize marketing targeting.

The Individual

As a Senior Data Scientist you will be responsible for utilising advanced statistical and machine learning methods to answer business questions and deliver insightful solutions to complex problems. The ideal candidate has excellent interpersonal and communication skills and can interact with business and technology stakeholders where necessary.

Desired Skills & Experience

Around 3 years’ experience working with the Data Scientist Domain.Experience working with machine learning and data mining algorithms (classification, clustering, regression …).Desirable: Scala, Spark and MLlib Python practice for data analysis would be a nice addition.A degree in the relevant field.

You will have as responsibilities:

Comply with needs and restraints.Design new proposals R&D research.Operational monitoring of the quality of the systems in production.Promotion of Data Scientist within the business by taking trainings, participate in conferences, and meetups to help strengthen and enhance your knowledge of the field.

Technology Stack

Machine Learning, Data Mining Algorithms and Python, Spark or Scala.


Zhanѐ Dacres

+44 203 697 1249

Founded in 2008, ConSol Partners are one of the world’s leading technology recruitment brands with headquarters in the City of London and international offices in Los Angeles & Boston. ConSol Partners provide permanent and contract recruitment solutions to FTSE & Fortune 500 companies, global brands and start-ups across the internet supply chain of Communications, Cloud and Digital.

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