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Consumer Data Senior Manager - Sensometrics H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Consumer Data Senior Manager - Sensometrics H/F chez Danone

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At Danone, we guarantee that you can simply BE yourself. We believe that IT's up to you to define the way you work, to develop yourself, to progress.
With us, you'll work in an exciting, complex and challenging environment. This is how you will create new opportunities !
You will work with world-renowned brands such as Blédina, Evian or Actimel. BE innovative, enterprising and the impact you will have will impress you.
Join our movement for a more sustainable world. One Planet One Health BY YOU.
If you want to know more about our news, our daily life and our teams, follow our adventures on our Instagram account @DanoneTalentFrance !

The User experience (UX) & advanced design Team is looking for a Senior Consumer Data Scientist. The position is based in Gif-sur-Yvette (91).
Context :
The Team has 4 main missions :
- Explore & anticipate the future of food trends
- Evaluate our product superiority
- Co-create new user expériences or new usages (products, packs, services)
- Develop and engage the global UX community
Missions :
Your main responsibilities will BE as follows :
- Pilot the UX data digitalization :
- Create & implement the UX database (sensory & consumer data), its structure & automatization in partnership with agencies
- Work in strong interaction with several departments (R&D, Marketing, Consumer & Market Insights, Quality, Data, IT) to connect UX data with internal systems & databases and ensure consistency of the strategic analysis and of the data management
- Coordinate, train & animate the internal & external Teams to use IT
- Manage the UX Data network & analyses :
- Support the data analyses (meta-analyses, predictive modelling) to identify insights in collaboration with sensory & consumer evaluation managers
- Manage the external network of statisticians
- Coach the UX Teams for studies with complex analyses
- Implement and animate the digitalization strategy of the UX Team :
- Build the UX data roadmap to feed the business needs
- Capitalize on existing models (PrefMap) and/or implement new predictive models to better leverage our data and link them with other internal or external data
- Pilot the new UX initiatives exploring new technologies on advanced statistics (AI...)
- Develop the data management culture for the UX Team :
- Develop a relevant development plan (training) for the Teams
- Support the local UX Teams in their digitalization journey
- Contribute to the building of the competencies & training plan with HR Teams for the R&D function
Cpf final 4

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Consumer Data Senior Manager - Sensometrics H/F
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