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Contenu de l'offre Data Analyst chez DataDog

About Datadog:

We're on a mission to build the best platform in the world for engineers to understand and scale their systems, applications, and teams. We operate at high scale—trillions of data points per day—providing always-on alerting, metrics visualization, logs, and application tracing for tens of thousands of companies. Our engineering culture values pragmatism, honesty, and simplicity to solve hard problems the right way.

The team:

We are building a first-class Internal Analytics team composed of Data Engineers and Data Analysts. We use cutting-edge data collection, transformation, and analysis tools in order to provide other teams with data that will help them better understand both our customers and our own operations so they can make strategic data-driven decisions.

The opportunity:

As a Data Analyst within the Internal Analytics team, you will help ensure all teams at Datadog have the data they need to drive their projects. You will have a chance to interact with all other departments including other Engineering teams, Product Managers, Designers, Marketing, and Customer Success.

You will:

Contribute to building the data model layer that is used by the whole company to query internal data and analytics Build actionable data reports and visualizations that will help other teams make strategic decisions Help product managers, designers, and engineers to understand our products usage and user behaviors, and facilitate data-driven decision making Help marketing teams optimize their initiatives Run deep data analyses and investigations Work to discover how different technologies are being adopted over time by different segments of users Present findings to team leads and executives Train other employees to use data to answer questions without assistance


You are a clear, concise communicator that works well with others You can explain complex datasets to non-technical people in understandable ways You are fluent with SQL and are able to write complex and performant queries with no assistance You’ve mastered data analysis and visualization in Looker, Excel, Google Sheets, Tableau and/or similar tools You have a natural curiosity and investigative mindset - driven to know “why” You want to work in a fast, high-growth startup environment and thrive on both autonomy and collaboration 2+ years of professional experience

Bonus points:

You are familiar with Spark and/or Hadoop You have some experience with data stores similar to AWS Redshift or S3 You are familiar with data storage optimization (keys, schemas, …)
Cpf final 4

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