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Contenu de l'offre Reference Data Analyst chez Deutsche Bank

Reference Data Analyst

Job Description:

Job Title : Data Reference Analyst – Client Lifecycle Management

Location : Paris

Corporate Title : NCT

Details of the role and how it fits into the team

You will be integrating a very dynamic and diverse team, in charge of the end to end process of the client onboardings.

You will be focussed on the client account data maintenance, but also involved in the constant research for improvement of the processes, and data accuracy with, as a line of conduct, the respect of the values and policies of Deutsche Bank, as well as our regulatory commitments.

Our department is evolving in a very moving environment in terms of technology and strategy. The role of team is central, and key as it generates a high volume of interactions with the rest of the bank.

Your key responsibilities

Maintenance and confirmation of all the static data related to our client accounts in the various DB systems, in coordination with our offshore teams (opening and closing of accounts, maintenance of authorised signature list and power of attorneys,  letter of executions handling, Maintenance of billing conditions, rates etc..)
Responding to queries from other operational teams, as well as KYC teams, Front Office, Compliance and Finance departments.
Following the appropriate escalation procedures whenever required
Maintaining the scanning and storage of the client files (Hard and Soft copies)
Providing Statistic and management information reporting
Providing financial reporting to the various authorities (regulatory, central bank, tax..)
Preparation and follow up of the tax data FATCA and CRS required for the yearly reportings.

Your skills and experience

Minimum of 5 years experience in Banking
Excellent organizational and prioritization skills
Excellent communication and relationships skills
Ability to work in a team
Excellent written and oral communication skills in English
Strong Pack Office knowledge
Flexibility and ability to work under pressure
Self-Directed and willing to take initiatives

Our values define the working environment we strive to create – diverse, supportive and welcoming of different views. We embrace a culture reflecting a variety of perspectives, insights and backgrounds to drive innovation. We build talented and diverse teams to drive business results and encourage our people to develop to their full potential. Talk to us about flexible work arrangements and other initiatives we offer.

We promote good working relationships and encourage high standards of conduct and work performance. We welcome applications from talented people from all cultures, countries, races, genders, sexual orientations, disabilities, beliefs and generations and are committed to providing a working environment free from harassment, discrimination and retaliation.

Click here to find out more about our diversity and inclusion policy and initiatives.


Location: Paris

Type: Full time

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Reference Data Analyst
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