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Business analyst & planner - Internship

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Contenu de l'offre Business analyst & planner - Internship chez Devialet

Headquartered in Paris, Devialet is on a mission to elevate sound to its rightful place in people's life, innovating across acoustics and purposeful design. Our expansion began with ADH®, a revolutionary patented invention that would forever change high-end amplifiers. This hybrid technology seamlessly blends digital and analog to produce sound quality unlike anything previously experienced.

At Devialet, each day is more electric than the last. That’s what it means to be part of an incredible adventure with highly skilled, highly engaged, creative talents. Our engineers, designers, sales, marketing, manufacturing and operations teams are obsessively dedicated to inventing tomorrow so we can carry on delivering incomparable emotion to as many people as possible.

We are looking for talented women and men who want to support our projects and values. The revolution of high end audio can be yours as well.

Ready to join us ?

As we enter a new growth phase for the company, the role will primarily support our go-to-market strategy including our ability to deliver :

Continued double-digit growthExponential POS openings worldwideAccurate forecasts and inventory levels

Its main mission is to better understand our sales drivers and improve our sales & operations planning process within a volatile, high-pace and competitive environment.
1/ Analyse our sales performance, generate reports and recommendations

Monitor worldwide sales performance cross channel, regions and productsPerform detailed and deep analysis on leading and lagging KPIsCreate partners and POS segmentation through “class of trade”Create new data visualizations dashboardsIdentify best practices per class of trade and areas of opportunitySynthesize findings and build recommendations

2/ Build and implement a sellout reporting system for our 3rd party resellers and distributors

Design a simple and robust and processCreate tool supported by our IT team and plan rolloutTest and learn with selected Sales members and resellersDeploy to all our sales teams and resellers

3/ Run worldwide demand forecasts for monthly S&OP

Monitor our forecast accuracy per products and countriesManage monthly sales forecasts in our sales forecasting systemIntegrate and plan for special offers impacting demandDevelop recommendations to improve its efficiency and better manage our inventory levels

4/ Benchmark competition and market

Understand key trends per product categories, geographies, etc.Run competitive intelligence research and market researchIdentify growth opportunities

5/ Perform punctual analysis on other dataflows to support sales & marketing teams, possible examples include:

Pricing benchmarking per product category and countryCross channels customer journey


Improved forecast accuracySell-in vs Sell-out comparison per accountInventory turnover at our partners points of salesInsights and recommendations to better drive our business


You are enrolled in a Master's Degree in a top University / Business School / Engineering School and you’re looking for an end-of-studies internshipYou have a first experience in Consulting or in Sales & Marketing functions where you demonstrated your strong analytical and quantitative skillsYou are comfortable with Excel / GoogleSheet as well as planning and data visualization toolsDynamic, viscerally driven by the desire to be an entrepreneur and to offer a growing range of products combining luxury and technology, you are looking for a new challenge!Your human qualities: empathy, attention to detail, sense of urgency, rigor, creativity, add to your business expertise to build your successes and those of your team.You have at least a minimum of English in order to develop as well as possible within a company that is becoming more international each year.


An opportunity to meet music passionates from all over the worldThe chance to play an impactful role in an ambitious and fast-growing companyThe ability to interact with our worldwide sales teams and our leadership

Job Type: Internship

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Business analyst & planner - Internship
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