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Contenu de l'offre Traffic Manager chez Doctolib

Paris (75) About the role:
As a Performance Marketing Manager for Doctolib you will be in charge of creating and optimizing impactful online paid marketing campaigns. Your objective will be to generate B2B qualified leads for the Sales team.
What you’ll do: Manage the overall performance marketing budget and maintain daily, weekly and monthly reports Scale existing online channels: deep dive in the performance of each channel (social, search, display…) to suggest recommendations Create and execute campaigns: targeting, ad copies, objectives, bids and testing Think outside the box to find new online strategies to implement and channels to test: define the objectives, message and design Build assets for the various campaigns with the design team and test their performance (illustrations, videos, images) Plan and launch A/B tests for landing page optimization Develop new tools and processes to share with other countries (Germany to start) Work on the paid acquisition strategy
Who you are: You have at least a 2-year experience in online performance marketing, ideally in B2B French & English are mandatory, German is a plus You have a good understanding of each step of a marketing acquisition funnel You have strong analytical skills and know how to rely on data to take actions You are curious and like working in a test and learn environment You have strong personal organization and project management abilities
Who are we? Founded in 2013, Doctolib is the fastest growing and largest e-health service in Europe.
For patients: Doctolib is a free online service offering a more transparent access to healthcare for patients, by providing a full-suite of online services to manage their health. The platform allows patients to find nearby healthcare professionals, book / manage appointments online 24/7, have remote medical consultations via video and receive a digital prescription in their online account.
For doctors and hospitals: Doctolib offers doctors and hospitals a software solution with a full range of services to help : (1) improve the efficiency of their operations, (2) provide their patients with a more seamless experience, (3) attract new patients, and (4) collaborate with other doctors. Some key figures about us: We partner with 100 000 doctors and 1 700 healthcare facilities including some of the most important hospitals in France and Germany; We have an exponential 120% YoY growth trajectory; We operate a patient portal with 40 million patients every month; We are a French-German company with a team of 1000 people split over 40 cities and 2 headquarters in Paris and Berlin; We have received 230M€ in investment from General Atlantic, Accel, Eurazeo, the French State and a group of European entrepreneurs. We plan to hire 2,000 people in the coming years to contribute to transform the healthcare sector with the following targets: Creating the medical offices and hospitals of the future; Improving patient care path, patient access to healthcare and patient health management.
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