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Technical Business Analyst (Remote Working)

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Contenu de l'offre Technical Business Analyst (Remote Working) chez Emagine Consulting

Technical Business Analyst Emagine is a global professional services consultancy and solutions firm. Our London office specialises in driving innovation of technology and business for the banking and financial services sector. We are currently looking for a dynamic individual to join our Business Change Practice as a Technical Business Analyst; allocated to a multi-disciplinary squad delivering a range of technology-enabled projects.

The focus of this role will have you working with specialist technical teams, research analysts, across asset range off asset classes. There is a need to identify process change and technology enablement opportunities to increase capability globally across a diverse range of projects.

You will understand and analyse user and business needs and will be the link between current and future technology teams. You will be responsible for facilitating collaboration and communication with all stakeholders to support design, build and delivery of technology enabled projects.

The role:

Evaluates business requirements documentation and other artefacts received from technical teams. Accountable for formulating and creating functional specification documentation, in close collaboration with business analysts, application owners and solution architects. Carry out effective analysis of qualitative and quantitative data and drive agreements for a desired future state addressing the business problems, end-user buy in and strategic enterprise objectives Translate user needs and articulate functional and non-functional requirements by using various techniques to carry out analysis such as business process flows, wireframes, story maps etc. Develop and modify business facing documentation (e.g. user manuals, solution briefs, functional summaries). Support testing on behalf of users, operations, and testing teams potentially including test plans, test cases, test-data and review of interface testing, between different applications, when required. Collaborates with application developers to resolve functional issues from user acceptance testing (UATs) and to help find solutions for various functional issues. State the problem clearly, perform logical, structured and detailed analysis to capture a range of internal and external factors, and take into account any gaps between AS IS and TO BE processes Challenge the user in clearly articulating and prioritising requirements to design efficient solutions demonstrating business/customer benefit with minimal oversight Understand, apply and use the standards and tools (e.g. JIRA, VISIO, ProcessFlows, etc.) Begin to facilitate meetings/workshops and be able to manage stakeholder relationships on behalf of the team to achieve ‘buy in’ Communicate functional level details to technical analysts and solution developers to support transition, translation and development.

Key Skills and Experience:

To succeed in this role you will need:

Excellent written and verbal communication skills (English) The ability to define and articulate business requirements clearly to a variety of stakeholders, from developers to clients to technology management A strong aptitude for problem-solving and an eye for detail, coupled with a thorough and diligent approach to analysis on sometimes complicated business problems Excellent teamwork and interpersonal skills A rigorous approach to time-management and documentation Strong project management abilities, including an understanding of project lifecycle, estimation of work, multi-tasking, risk assessment and judgement, and the ability to unblock and escalate To be highly motivated, with the drive to both learn and deliver quickly in a challenging but rewarding role Experience with outsourcing and offshore development Experience working across multi asset classes; FX, Commodities, Equity Derivative, Interest Rates or Credit; Business and Operations areas. (Preferred but not essential)

If you can answer yes to most of these questions do not hesitate and apply to this opportunity.

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Technical Business Analyst (Remote Working)
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