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Contenu de l'offre Market Data Analyst chez Engie Global Markets

ENGIE is a global energy company, a leading provider of electricity, natural gas, and energy services. With 153,090 employees in more than 70 countries worldwide, ENGIE achieved revenue of €66.6 billion in 2016. ENGIE is committed to being a leader in the energy transition.

We are looking for talented and motivated people to create the future of energy. Join a rewarding and flexible work environment that encourages innovation and creativity, and help us meet the energy challenges of today and tomorrow.

Global Energy Management (GEM) is one of ENGIE’s Business Units. We deliver services in supply and logistics management, asset management, risk management, market access management, while contributing to the market understanding, design and efficiency and developing market solutions to accelerate the energy transition.

GEM manages one of the largest and most diversified energy portfolios in Europe, including electricity, natural gas, bulk commodities and environmental products.

With 5 trading platforms and activities in more than 50 countries, GEM has an extended geographical coverage in Europe, Asia-Pacific and in the US. It employs 1,300 people around the world.

The Market Data Analyst (MDA) is in charge of the GEM market data portfolio. In this context ensures delivery service continuity, costs optimization, budget management, contract management and contributes to compliance risk assessment and prevention Market Data is a REMTO department whose primary role is to satisfy the market data needs of Global Energy Management (GEM)


1. Market Data services management

Part of the processes and tools enabling GEM users to access market data services, the MDA: Provides contract negotiation and procurement capabilities to GEM prescribers either for new needs and for existing market data needs Implement market data contracts in coordination with Legal, IS, Purchasing teams Ensure service continuity to users in any circumstances by anticipating contract renewal, manage delays linked to procurement processes, follow up litigation concerning payments and validate invoices Take part in the in the GEM Purchasing process by creating/validating when appropriate purchase requests and purchase orders for all market data contracts part of the portfolio Keep up to date the inventory systems (contracts/products monitoring data base which includes GEM & other BU users) and follow processes which provide required information to manage service continuity and reportings Produce reportings for GEM Management, for Market Data Sponsors and prescribers/users on request Participate in ad-hoc projects and collaborate with several teams to deliver new initiatives. 2. Cost and budget management
Market Data & External Platform budget For the budget exercise, compile the market data budget (per data category/ business service/ per source of data/ products…) and get it validated by the required business GEM departments/divisions. Ensure a regular budget consumption follow up allowing the Team Market Data to be informed of the budget consumption and raise relevant alerts should the costs exceed the defined budget objectives

Internal & external reporting Act as a Market Data cost controller to: Produce Cost Control reportings (Quarterly business review, accounting closing & provisions for each GEM entity: EGM, EEM, ENGIE SA, Electrabel) Build budget reportings on demand Ensure that cost are properly allocated within accounting systems across GEM (on a legal entity basis and management wise) Ensure external reporting services toward providers with invoicing consequences.

Data base management Organized, rigorous and able to synthetize, the MDA: manage large number of financial data to meet reporting expectations and requirements has a good understanding and access to GEM accounting tools, platform data bases and processes update when required those tools in accordance with the reporting and accounting processes 3. Contract risk & compliance management
Responsible and accountable of compliance toward providers’ (providers/vendors/exchanges) contracts (Term & Conditions), the MDA: Permissions users in accordance with all market data contracts, practices and processes Contribute to secure GEM again market data contract breaches and in that way liaise with: the providers to adapt the contractual setup, GEM & ENGIE IT to recommend and to implement compliant IT systems Keep up to date the contract data base to provide a clear picture of the contractual obligations and opportunities Participate to any risk and compliance assessment in several context (ad hoc meetings, IS changes, external & internal audit…


- 7 years of professional experience in a trading/risk/finance/IT role and/or energy management fields. - Current French and fluent english mandatory. - location: Paris and eventuel travel to Brussels


: Audit / Risques / Conseil

Lieu principal

: Europe-France-Île-de-France-Courbevoie


: Market Data & Purchases


: Temps plein

Nature de responsabilité

: Responsable d'équipe de première ligne / Cadre

Publication d'offre

: 5 sept. 2018, 15:48:33
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