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Senior Business Analyst - 12 months FTC

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Business Analyst - 12 months FTC chez ERIN



Everything we do at KKI, is rooted in the idea of leaping forward to make people smile. We are committed to innovation, for the benefit of the patients who count on us to support them. From medicines for rare and underserved diseases, to the support families need when facing a life-changing diagnosis – our team is proud of all we deliver, but also humble in knowing how much more needs to be done. By listening to patient stories, we gain a better understanding of the obstacles patients and their families face – so we can work to better meet their unique needs. The real proof of our impact is in the smiles we see on patients' faces, when we have helped answer a need, or improved their well-being through our work. While the journey is not easy, it is one that is filled with purpose.

Job Purpose

Lead and develop insights analysis/analytical thinking to improve strategic decision-making Act as proactive business partner with Central Cluster Franchise Leadership team and other stakeholders Provide direction and support to franchise FF by tracking FF KPIs, frequency, target coverage, etc. and help anticipate future needs and opportunities Lead the end-to-end incentive process in the responsible franchise and when needed, design of sales driving and motivating incentive models Tactical Planning, Business Update and planning and execution of market research. Coordinate and drive projects like regular targeting review, workload analysis, territory analysis, and segmentation projects Ensure accurate Veeva (CRM) reporting by customer engaging teams by providing training and dashboards for managers to follow-up on during their coaching discussions with FF. Liaising with relevant Cluster/Regional/Global stakeholders re the Commercial Excellence function Support flawless implementation of Digital initiatives in France Ensure sales budget and in-market Demand are accurately reflected in demand reviews and forecasts

Key Responsibilities:

Provide general operation expertise to commercial and other functions Develop business analyst tools to support cross functional alignment and optimal resource allocation In collaboration with the Pharmaceutical Affairs team, monitoring KPIs related to the application of the "Charte de la Visite Médicale" ("reps Charter") Propose incentive programmes to drive desired behaviours and sales growth Whilst being responsible for accurate set up, training and support of the CRM system for users in France, work with the Business Intelligence manager based in the Netherlands to make sure synergies between geographies are leveraged and duplication of efforts/resource allocation is eliminated. Provide input to Cluster/Regional/Global market research initiatives (targets, compliance etc) Partner with the Central Cluster Digital Director to secure flawless implementation of digital initiatives in France Ensure full visibility within the Central Cluster regarding performance, forecasting and demand review Sales forecasting at product and country level in collaboration with sales and marketing departments Manage local relationships with external vendors and advisors as required


In return for your talent, we will provide support through smart working, adopting best practice, deploying the latest technology and ongoing personal development. Plus:

Competitive salary

To meet the expectations of our patients and to truly deliver on our Commitment to Life, we are continually looking for people who embrace this spirit. We are committed to providing a culture that offers both inspiration and reward – in terms of compensation and in work satisfaction. And in turn, we want people who'll bring their unique ideas and diverse approaches, while also aligning to our ultimate goal of making people smile. If this sounds like a company that aligns with your values, we'd love for you to join us in our efforts.

Kyowa Kirin International is an equal opportunities employer.

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Senior Business Analyst - 12 months FTC
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