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Business Analyst - World Agency

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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst - World Agency chez Euler Hermes Group

Euler Hermes World Agency (EHWA) is a dedicated global team working specifically for multinationals and offering tailored and flexible risk solution for global risk management.
This position at EHWA Central Team supports the achievement of profitable and sustainable growth following World Agency's commercial strategy, in three different functions: Market Management, Commercial and Distribution.
Description :

This position plays a critical role to ensure the execution of:

Various reporting tasks, including weekly top line report, monthly Commercial Underwriting metrics report, and other ad-hoc reporting tasks to provide analysis and solutions.
Build dashboards and reports in Salesforce CRM system, and maintain the data integrity in Salesforce.
Communicate with various internal stakeholders on challenges and opportunities to solve programs.
Take ownership in new initiatives in everchanging business environment to support the design and implementation of those initiatives.
Implement new initiatives in light of everchanging market and enocomic conditions.
Change in reporting requirements and ad-hoc reporting tasks.
Allianz is the home for those who dare – a supportive place where you can take the initiative to grow and to actively strengthen our global leadership position. By truly caring about people – both its 100 million private and corporate customers and more than 147,000 employees – Allianz fosters a culture where its employees are empowered to collaborate, perform, embrace trends and challenge the industry. Our main ambition is to be our customers’ trusted partner, instilling them with the confidence to grow. If you dare, join us at Allianz Group.

We at Allianz believe in a diverse and inclusive workforce and are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We encourage you to bring your whole self to work, no matter where you are from, what you look like, who you love or what you believe in.
Euler Hermes, the world’s leading provider of credit insurance services, helps its customers around the globe to trade wisely and develop their business safely. With 6,000 employees from more than 70 nationalities, in over 50 countries, Euler Hermes offers a complete range of services for the management of B-to-B trade receivables.
Euler Hermes has developed a credit intelligence network to analyze the financial stability of 40+ million businesses across the globe. Euler Hermes, a company of Allianz, is rated AA by Standard & Poor’s.
At Euler Hermes, we are committed to support our employees in every step of their professional journey, provide tailor-made development programs and open gateways to international opportunities. We encourage them to take ownership and accountability, and to dare to make a difference!
For more information visit
If you are interested in the position above and think you have the right profile please follow the online application process. For more detailed information on the company and our career opportunities please go to our website:
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Business Analyst - World Agency
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