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Contenu de l'offre Downstream Business Analyst chez European Space Agency

Paris (75)

Responding to the increasing need to position Europe at the cutting edge of innovation in all fields including space necessitates moving towards ‘open innovation’. ESA must stay at the forefront of the European open innovation ecosystem, creating new competences in the space business, preserving ESA’s rich combination of programmes and talents, maximising the integration of space systems within European society and the wider economy.
ESA’s business innovation model is being adapted to the buoyant community of space (and non-space) downstream business innovators and start-ups; ESA is implementing uniform and adapted approaches to developing downstream business-building for all the already-successful downstream initiatives being led at ESA; The connectivity between the different initiatives being led by ESA and outside is being reinforced. NewSpace and non-space communities can now find easy access to ESA support through a single gateway with streamlined processes.
The Downstream Gateway creates links between new and emerging downstream business sectors and ESA programmes. This enables new downstream communities to interact more easily with ESA as a whole. It thus supplements existing the programme-driven interfaces with traditional business sectors (e.g. transport, oil/gas, insurance, agriculture).
As Downstream Business Analyst, you will work in the framework of the Downstream Gateway. Duties Reporting directly to ESA’s Downstream Gateway Officer, you are responsible for setting up the Gateway’s Business Analysis function and overseeing its implementation at ESA.
This includes:
Defining, implementing and coordinating with programme experts the strategic planning analysis for the preparation of ESA strategy in the downstream sector (may include scenario planning campaigns with internal/external actors); Identifying new market spaces; creating, organising and managing a dedicated Analysis Structure to monitor new trends (political, economic, society, technological, environmental, legal) that may influence the space sector globally; this includes analysing trends and market disruption, searching for emerging new market opportunities; modelling the new ecosystem; Leading actions to: acquire know-how from actors, influencers, etc.; evaluate the competitor landscape Having identified the main actors in the new market spaces, propose a customer engagement strategy together with the Gateway’s Downstream Market Strategy Specialist. You will work in cooperation with ESA’s Programme Directorates and with its Industrial Policy & Economic Analysis Section. Technical competencies Scenario planning techniques Strategic planning techniques Outside-In marketing strategy Ecosystem modelling Leading change Business innovation Behavioural competencies Knowledge of the ESA institutional framework, policies and programmes (Technology, Science, Launchers, Human Space and/or Applications) Communication Knowledge of the European and international space sector (institutional, commercial and/or industrial) Continuous Learning Relationship Management Responsible Decision-Making Systems & Broader Business Thinking Teamwork Education

Applicants for this post should have a Master’s in business administration, business strategy or marketing strategy, ideally supplemented by a Master’s in a technical discipline.

Additional requirements

3-5 years’ experience in strategy and strategic business analysis.
You are expected to bring in extensive knowledge to define and implement a successful business and marketing strategy (strategic planning, scenario planning, etc.).
Knowledge of ESA, its Member States and/or EU downstream space programmes is an asset.

Other information

For behavioural competencies expected from ESA staff in general, please refer to the ESA Competency Framework.

The working languages of the Agency are English and French. A good knowledge of one of these is required. Knowledge of another Member State language would be an asset.

The Agency may require applicants to undergo selection tests.

The closing date for applications is Friday 21 February 2020.

If you require support with your application due to a disability, please email .

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