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Group Leader Human Sample acquisition and management (F/M/D)

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Contenu de l'offre Group Leader Human Sample acquisition and management (F/M/D) chez Evotec Group

Group Leader Human Sample acquisition and management (F/M/D)

CDI / Permanent contract
Evotec is seeking a highly motived and creative individual with understanding of translational research to lead and direct our Human Sample acquisition and management for Toulouse and Lyon sites. As such we are searching for:

Group Leader Human Sample acquisition and management (F/M/D)

Full time and permanent

Your key responsibilities.

Reporting into the Vice President of the local Translational Biomarkers department for Toulouse/Lyon, the group leader for Human Sample Acquisition and Management will be tasked with:

Manage a local French expert team dedicated to human sample acquisition and management to ensure alignment and global harmonization with the other sites.
Plan, organize and oversee the sourcing of human samples with project leads, procurement, and legal.
Coordinate with global cross-functional R&D teams to operationalize human sample acquisition for the various projects. 
Provide guidance during protocol and Informed consent form development to ensure logistical feasibility of biological sampling and alignment with ICH/GCP, appropriate French policies, procedures, and sample testing plans.
In coordination with the Translational Biomarkers department and project leaders, identify pertinent patient samples for target validation, biomarker discovery, and samples characterization.
Together with the Translational Biomarker team, define a strategy to identify and utilize key vendors, biobanks, or clinical sites to support building disease specific and client-directed sample collections leading to Contract with the source (MTA / MSA)
Support contract management and legal requirements which are handled via various global, EU and country-specific regulations and laws. Ensure that Evotec will only acquire samples that adhere to various regulations and laws of France.
In coordination with the Translational Biomarkers department, provide education and training for sample acquisition which include a Code of Conduct for human sample acquisition.
For key clients, support the acquisition process for human samples including, but not limited to, source identification, clinical documentation (eCRF, Informed Consent templates), data protection adherence, compliance and contracting discussion
Together with the Translational Biomarker Groups, provide accurate forecasting and tracking of study costs associated with human sample acquisition, ethical and legal considerations sampling materials, logistics & shipping as needed
Support and provide guidance to human sample acquisition managers at a local level and participate with the other sites for their day-to-day tasks in acquiring human samples with their own country rules.

Your qualifications

You have completed your Ph.D. in Life Sciences or a related discipline
At least 6+ years’ experience in bio sample acquisition in a pharmaceutical / biotechnology company and/or CRO, or equivalent experience in a clinical/diagnostic laboratory
Strong working knowledge in the field of human sample acquisition process definition, ethical and legal consideration in France.
Strong experience in capacity planning, and budgeting from sample flow.
Experience to build a network of biobanks to provide tissue will be taken into consideration.
Some years of experience in leading people and preferably experience in matrix leadership.
Proven track-record in optimization of SOPs, defining and drafting training materials for human sample acquisition and handling at internal meetings to key stake-holders.
Demonstrated ability to work independently to manage complex projects with multiple priorities in a fast paced, team-based environment
Excellent written and interpersonal communication skills necessary to interface with team members, project leads, legal, contract management, and external parties/clients.
Well-developed project management, project execution, communication, and presentation skills.
The position requires fluent command of the French and English language.

FR : Dans le cadre de sa politique Diversité, Evotec étudie, à compétences égales, toutes les candidatures dont celles des personnes en situation de handicap.

ENG : In the frame of our Diversity policy, Evotec studies, with equal competences, all the applications including people with disabilities.

Middle Management


Location: Toulouse

Type: Full time

Cpf final 4

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Group Leader Human Sample acquisition and management (F/M/D)
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