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E-Commerce Manager Italy (Native Italian) (M/F)

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Contenu de l'offre E-Commerce Manager Italy (Native Italian) (M/F) chez Farmitoo

Your mission: to integrate and optimize the Italian product pages on the Farmitoo website

As an E-Commerce Manager Italy - Integration/Optimisation (Native Italian) (M/F), you will be in direct contact with the Catalogue Manager and will work together with the different members of a motivated and stimulating international team (German, Italian, French): the Farmitoo Catalogue team!

You will be in charge of the online integration of new Italian products and the improvement of the existing product pages on the Farmitoo website:

Your main tasks will be :

- Prepare and put new products online (new suppliers, opening of new markets, expansion of the supplier range)
- Optimise product pages (content, technical data, logistic aspects, etc.) on the website.
- Categorise products and add filters so that they are correctly catalogued on the site
- Enriching suppliers' product catalogues with data from other sites (growth hacking)
- Ensure the quality and speed of the quantity of new products on the site
- Propose new functionalities to facilitate the integration of new products
- Analyse the impact of the optimisations made (the team's objective is to accelerate the suppliers' sales).

Your typical day?

- Bringing new products online and optimising the existing product pages of Italian partners on the site: a difficult and exciting challenge awaits you!
- Working in an international environment in close collaboration with the Catalogue team
- Work with a wide variety of professions within Farmitoo (customer service, product integration, accounting, etc.)

Why join Farmitoo?

- E-Commerce Manager Italy - Integration/Optimisation (Native Italian) (M/F) is a key position at Farmitoo. Contributing to the enrichment of an ever richer catalogue and to the optimization of processes is a real challenge!
- As far as our values are concerned: trust, team spirit and personal development are the cornerstones of the development of our young company.
- Being part of Farmitoo means growing up with a company that cultivates good mood and ambition.
- Take advantage of our great offices at République, in the heart of Paris
- You are highly motivated to actively participate in the development of a growing startup. You are passionate about the success of e-commerce platform catalogues, you have a strong analytical sense and a taste for challenges:

Skills required for this position

- A minimum of 6 months experience (also internship) in an e-commerce catalogue department or equivalent.
- Italian is your native language
- You are fluent in Excel
- A capacity for data analysis and a developed strategic vision, that's your entrepreneurial side!
- Whether you have to work around them or overcome them, you are not afraid of obstacles!
- You are rigorous, autonomous and highly organised
- You are curious and eager to learn more about the life of start-ups.
- You have a good level of English and French and are generally at ease in an international environment.
- You fit in with our values of trust, team spirit and personal development.

Nice to have

- You have an engineering background in digital web marketing or agriculture
- You are familiar with the agricultural sector or have a natural interest in it
- You have expertise in growth hacking, especially in data collection.
- You like to work in a team
- You have a strong business sense: you understand and can pull the strings of e-commerce logic.
- You have some knowledge of German
- Do all these requirements surprise you? Versatility is rare, so send us your application and you could be the next E-Commerce Manager Italy - Integration/Optimisation (Native Italian) (M/F) in our friendly and ambitious E-Commerce Catalogue team!

Our Farmitoo values

A few words about our values, which are very important to us at Farmitoo:

- Trust: because trust is the key word at Farmitoo, whether within the team or with the farmers and suppliers we work with every day.
- Team spirit: because it is by working hand in hand that Farmitoo best fulfils its mission on a daily basis: "to help and give back purchasing power to farmers".
- Personal development: because we attach particular importance to personal development in our company, for example through personalised training and knowledge sharing within the company.
Status: Executive

Type d'emploi : Temps plein, CDI

Salaire : 30 000,00€ à 35 000,00€ par mois

Avantages :

Horaires flexiblesParticipation au TransportTitre-restaurantTravail à Distance

Horaires :

Périodes de Travail de 8 Heures


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E-Commerce Manager Italy (Native Italian) (M/F)
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