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Contenu de l'offre Digital & Strategy Manager chez Faurecia

Digital & Strategy Manager

New trends and expectations are reshaping the automotive industry. Inspired by the exciting new challenges associated with this revolution, Faurecia anticipates the future of mobility developing cutting-edge solutions for smart life on board and sustainable mobility. If you’re willing to contribute and create value for tomorrow’s cleaner and smarter mobility, Faurecia is the place to be.

Our Interiors activity is looking for its Digital Strategy & Innovation Manager

Your role:

Develop a strategy for implementing new digital technologies within Interiors organization
Analyze data and recommend changes to existing strategies in order to improve performance
Be first point of contact for startups and tech-giant partners
Drive mindset change and encourage innovative thinking

The main missions:

Collaboratively build the vision for Digital Transformation to provide guidance, encourage innovative thinking and strategies throughout the organization

Collaboratively develop the Digital Strategy and the associated roadmaps aligned with all sections of the business, including the identification of a list of Digital drivers

Drive mindset and culture change : support and drive the digital and soft skills development roadmap, improve awareness and proficiency through the design & run of workshops, foster agile ways of working

Identify new projects opportunities through techno watch, process and operations analysis

Promote open innovation and partnerships with startup-ups, academics, tech giants

Promote business mindset related to the digital projects, systematizing value / impact evaluation of the projects


Experience : Minimum 5 years of experience in Digital Strategy and Innovation or equivalent in an industrial environment.

Academic : MBA or equivalent. A specialization or degree in Innovation is a plus

Skills and competencies :

Exceptional skills in leadership, time management, facilitation, and organization
Experience in strategy and innovation projects
Technology skills in software and tools to be able to capture the latest and most adequate trends in digital
Ability to research and find information about competitors, market and other aspects of business. This can include researching data, analyzing information and finding new ways to improve our digital capabilites.
Customer orientation, Business mindset, Team spirit, Autonomy, Drive, Energy
Outstanding knowledge of change management principles and performance evaluation processes
Good interpersonal and communication skills, English required
Agility, openness to new ideas

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