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Data Science Project Manager H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Data Science Project Manager H/F chez Gameloft

Gameloft recherche …
Leader in the development and publishing of games, Gameloft® has established itself as a pioneer in the industry, creating innovative gaming experiences for over 20 years. Gameloft creates games for all digital platforms, from mobile to cross-platform titles for PC and consoles. Gameloft operates its own established franchises such as Asphalt®, Dragon Mania Legends, Modern Combat and Dungeon Hunter and also partners with major rights holders including LEGO®, Universal, Illumination Entertainment, Hasbro®, Fox Digital Entertainment, Mattel®, Lamborghini®, and Ferrari®. Gameloft distributes its games in over 100 countries and employs 3, 600 people worldwide. Every month, 70 million unique users can BE reached by advertisers in Gameloft games with Gameloft for brands, a leading B2B offering dedicated to brands and agencies. Gameloft is a Vivendi company.

All trademarks referenced above are owned by their respective trademark owners.

We are currently looking for a Data Science Project Manager to complement our Global Data Science and Analytics team.

The Project Manager is responsible to carry and execute the vision and long-term plan for the DS and DA projects and products in Gameloft. Reporting to the Global DS and Analytics Director, he/she ensures that the needs of the different clients are translated into features and priorities that will make their daily work more enjoyable and their products more successful. To accomplish this, he/she maintains daily contacts with the business teams (Marketing, User Acquisition, Game Production, Monetization etc.) and central DS, DA team, and ensures deliveries match stakeholders' expectations.

Your main challenges will include :
- Translate client needs into features and help clients to define clearly their goals and needs
- Ensure projects are delivered on time, within scope and within budget and resources constraint
- Develop project scopes and objectives, involving all relevant stakeholders and ensuring technical feasibility
- BE the link between the business, production teams and the technical team, manage a good relationship with the clients and stakeholders
- Regularly report to stakeholders on projects' status and progress
- Work closely with DS/DA and make sure that the objectives, requirements and priorities are properly understood and agreed across the team

- 3+ years of experience as a project manager of DS or analytics team, preferably in gaming industry, or data-driven internet and e-commerce companies
- Ability to work in an analytical and structured manner
- Good knowledge of project planning, PMO methodology, priority management, project risk estimation and resolution. Mastery of Agile methodology is a plus.
- Excellent communication and change management skills
- Excellent good written and verbal English skills
- Able to zoom out and see the big picture beyond own focus area considering end to end processes
Cpf final 4

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Data Science Project Manager H/F
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