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Contenu de l'offre System Data Analyst chez GCE Solutions

Job Title:

Systems Data Analyst



Company Overview:

GCE Solutions is a global clinical research organization (CRO), founded in 2006 in the US. We assist in clinical development in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries with various programming, statistical, and consultancy tasks among an array of therapeutic areas and phases. We have offices in the US, Europe and India.

Every employee has a personal development and career plan, and due to the growth of the company, the development potential is huge. We also offer an annual performance bonus, and a competitive benefits package.

Role overview:

This is an exciting opportunity to join a new team of System Data Analysts (Visualization Specialists) in what will be a growing trend within the industry over the next few years. You will be working in a multicultural global team of professionals where you will be trained, developed and work within a fast-paced environment. Using data from clinical trials you will provide innovative analysis to data and the drug development process

Responsibilities & Requirements:

Using your analytical skills and programming knowledge to support the creation and maintenance of different tools and methods that can provide real improvements to the standard approaches used when assessing clinical trials data.Typical tasks will be:

Data management monitoring Real-time medical monitoring of a clinical trial Exploration of clinical trial, drug discovery and real-world data Competitor analysis Market landscaping

Skills required:

SAS / R / R Shiny / Phython Designing and System Architecture Summary Statistics Inferential Statistics


BSc or MSc in Statistics Analytical and logical thinker with ideally a background working within clinical data programming. Strong communication skills, positive work aptitude and you enjoy working with technology and data.

Application process:

Send in your CV CV reviewed by recruitment Recruiter screen 1st Technical Interview Face to Face 2nd Technical Interview Offer Acceptance & Onboarding

Contact details:

E: T: 0044(0) 1618706667

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System Data Analyst
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