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Senior Data Analyst Purchasing

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Data Analyst Purchasing chez Giudicelli International

Senior Data Analyst Purchasing

Our client, a subsidiary of a French industrial group, is specialized

in the transformation of very high performance steels and alloys.

In the process of transformation, she is looking for her:


(Creation of post - Based in Paris, or in Clermont Ferrand, following candidate's preference)

You report to the Purchasing Director of this company of approximately 850 people and to the international scope (6 industrial sites based in France, Europe and Asia + 1 distribution center in France).

As part of the implementation of a new Purchasing policy, in a multicultural and multi-site industrial environment that requires agility and proactivity, you support the activities of the Purchasing Department by ensuring the overall consistency of the Purchasing policy with local correspondents and category leaders. You are a support and facilitator in the implementation of Opex spend analyzes to serve the global procurement roadmap, country alignments and synergy objectives.

You are the central contact in terms of analysis and structuring of World Purchasing Data and respond to requests from internal customers. For that :

- You provide visibility on expenses/analysis and budgets, action plans (pipeline, savings) and commitments (agreements, tariffs & data management) by providing precise figures in automated solutions in real time.

- You control and monitor Purchasing & Supply performance.

- You identify, propose, develop and deploy global solutions and tools such as PerAngusta, Dilitrust, SRM or other databases (legal, financial and CSR compliance) to improve the Purchasing function of the company and make it more efficient and autonomous.

- You produce ad hoc analyzes of products/prices.

- You drive and report global KPI's and improvement plans, consolidate site figures.

- You follow market developments. You organize satisfaction surveys, animate deployment workshops.

F/M, with a higher education (Engineer or business school) with a real appetite for numbers and data manipulation, your English is fluent. You have at least 5 years' experience in a similar function (Purchasing Data Analysis, Purchasing Management Control, etc.) in a multicultural environment within a company with a matrix purchasing organization, a purchasing consulting firm or at a purchasing software publisher. Very aware of E-tools and the digital transformation of Purchasing, you have strong analytical and IT skills: Excel (advanced level), business report tools (BI), SAP/Oracle extracts. You are familiar with the "source to pay" process and have a detailed understanding of "spend management".

Autonomous, result-oriented, you know how to work in project mode with international teams. Endowed with a very good relationship, pedagogue, you are recognized for your communication skills and your adaptability. Your organized and methodical nature, your good analytical and synthesis skills, your responsiveness will be the determining factors for your success in this position.

This position based in Paris or in Clermont Ferrand, depending on the wishes of the candidate, requires frequent travel in France and abroad.

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Senior Data Analyst Purchasing
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