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Contenu de l'offre Senior IT Business Analyst chez Givaudan

Seinor IT Business Analyst - Your future position?

As a Senior IT Business Analyst in Givaudan France, you'll be instrumental in the analysis, design and building of critical and complex business applications. Based out of our site in Argenteuil you will work with our most creative Subject Matter Experts and with your strong analytical & consulting skills you will Inspire, Challenge and engage with Heart & Soul.

When you work with Givaudan, you work with the most diverse, talented people with mindset of the best. Givaudan fosters diversity in all its forms and believes diversity is fundamental to its success.

In this role you will:

Liaise between product owner, subject matter experts, application designers, testers, and development teams to help design and build complex custom-designed solutions. Create & maintain a high visibility of business processes and dependencies. Anticipate & suggest organisational / process evolutions in order to increase business efficiency, keep track of new technologies and help shape new offerings for our business With Key Users conduct necessary requirements gathering and analysis, leading to the delivery of the user stories / high level functional specifications and then ensure their validation. Transform business requirements to the detailed technical specifications and wireframes. Design test scenario, organisational procedures and user guide, then validate the developed system. Organise, prepare, run/support and coordinate UAT, user training, & manage roll-out. Support users after implementation; provide level 3 support and follow-up Change Requests with Application Support Group.


Are you someone who wants to grow and shape your own world? Who thrives being in a culture where you can express yourself in a creative team environment? Who wants to collaborate and learn together with teams who are as passionate as you are? Then come join us – and impact your world.

What you bring:

8+ years’ experience as "IT Business Analyst" gathering & documenting functional and non-functional requirements, Business Process Modelling and Conceptual Data modelling. An inquisitive mind to learn new businesses and think through hard problems to solve them. A genuine passion for understanding, articulating and translating business requirements to system solutions. Experience in techniques like user personas, story mapping and design thinking. Thorough knowledge & experience of the systems development lifecycles – Waterfall and Agile. Strong facilitation & leadership skills with experience of leading workshops and collaboration with cross functional, cross regional teams. Excellent written and verbal communicator in English, coupled with strong negotiation and presentation skills. French language is a plus. Some familiarity with SQL and database design would be desirable.
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Senior IT Business Analyst
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