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Manager, Data Centers Clean Energy and Power

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Contenu de l'offre Manager, Data Centers Clean Energy and Power chez Google

Manager, Data Centers Clean Energy and Power

Minimum qualifications:

Bachelor's degree in Business Management, Real Estate, Technology, Engineering, or equivalent practical experience.

Experience with utility, renewable energy, supply agreements, investment, development, off-take, energy procurement, or trading.

Experience leading cross-functional infrastructure and real estate development teams.

Experience managing and negotiating an array of energy-related agreements.

Preferred qualifications:

Experience with people management, leading a team in delivering industrial scale infrastructure and real estate development.

Experience building market channels and partnerships.

Ability to lead highly complex negotiations.

About the job

Google's infrastructure needs go far beyond server racks. As Google's products and services scale to serve billions, the Strategic Negotiation team works behind the scenes to secure infrastructure for Google's future -- everything from underwater cables to data center space. As a Strategic Negotiator, you combine your deep market knowledge with tech industry savvy to negotiate cost-effective solutions to support Google's growth. You'll work with specific project teams on negotiating deals, managing vendor and partner relationships and presenting deal recommendations to our leadership. Your successful negotiations have the potential to impact every part of the business and save Google millions of dollars in operating costs. You'll manage a team who negotiates significant deals to ensure Google receives contract compliance and cost-effective solutions. You'll lead project teams on special deals, manage vendor relationships and present deal recommendations to Google leadership.

Behind everything our users see online is the architecture built by the Technical Infrastructure team to keep it running. From developing and maintaining our data centers to building the next generation of Google platforms, we make Google's product portfolio possible. We're proud to be our engineers' engineers and love voiding warranties by taking things apart so we can rebuild them. We keep our networks up and running, ensuring our users have the best and fastest experience possible.


Manage a team of Strategic Negotiators in the execution of data center infrastructure assets acquisitions, development, and expansions.
Provide the Europe Data Center asset portfolio team with leadership, negotiation guidance, commercial reviews, and execution of commercial development.
Work with leadership and the team, and internal and external technical teams, to identify, define, and pursue new strategic energy-related projects and initiatives necessary to meet Google's future power supply needs, including meeting the company’s commitment to supplying our operations with renewable energy.
Align Europe Data Center asset portfolio team execution with Energy and Location Strategy (ELS) Centers of Expertise (CoEs) on standards, guardrails, and templates, as well as with GDC Services.
Lead regional strategy and planning efforts in conjunction with other ELS EMEA region stakeholders.

Google welcomes people with disabilities.

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Manager, Data Centers Clean Energy and Power
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